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Winter's pov:

I woke up noticing something was different. Nic wasn't here. I shrugged it off as maybe he has work. I know I do.

I start my first day at the E.R.! Oh ma. I wish you were here.

I smiled sadly, got up to get ready. Starting with a shower. I have a long day ahead. I would like to be clean for it. I'm so glad Nic continue to let me work. I wouldn't be able to sit still if he hadn't. And he probably woulda killed me at some point.

I grabbed a small back pack that they brought from my apartment, and packed an extra pair of clothes, just in case. I heard it's highly recommended while working at a hospital.

I felt so excited. Excited like how you feel when it's your first day of school in kindergarten and college. Excited, like when you get your driver's license. Excited cause I'm fulfilling my dreams.

I want to help people. The way my mom helped others. She was a nurse. I remember every night, since I was little, when she came home, she would tell me stories of her day. She would tell me how she helped save lives so they could go home to their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters or best friends. Sometimes I stay would up late just to hear her stories. When I told her I wanted to do what she did at the 14, the stories changed. She started telling me the bad parts of it to. I already knew at that point she had to go through that. And I know she started changing the stories to prepare me for the worst on case I still wanted to do that later.

I knew that's why she would sometimes looked so depressed when she returned home. Watching people die when you've either done all you can or you know there's nothing left to be done. Having that power stripped from you is horrifying. These are the parts of my job I am not looking forward to it.

At one point, I was willing to drop my dreams for mom. She didn't really want to be a nurse. I mean at first she did, but she learned her passion was cooking. Opening a restaurant is something she always wanted to do when she realized that, but couldn't cause of father. One, he wouldn't let us and two, even if he did, we were in so much debt because of him that the bank wouldn't even give us a loan. Damn those poker nights and alcohol.

I missed her cooking. The girls here cook amazing, but nothing beats mama's cooking. Not yet anyways.

After I finish getting ready, I head downstairs to grab some food. I smile as I see Anna making some breakfast.

"Morning," I said, entering the kitchen.

"Mattina," She smiled back.

I sat at the counter as she gave me a plate of French toast and bacon. It smelled wonderful.

"Grazie, Anna." I said, taking a bite out of my breakfast.

"You're welcome, dear." She said, smiling at the fact that I'm using Italian.

The toast was made perfectly. Melting in my mouth. She had put some powdered sugar on it, making it sweet.

She smiled when she saw my face. "That's the best compliment a chef can ask for."

I frowned.

"I can see the delight in your eyes. When people have that look, words don't need to be spoken to the chef of how good it is. The eyes say it all." She explained.

I smiled as she handed me another plate, seeing as I was almost done. I frowned again. Does she want me to eat more? I'm full.

"Signore Nicolas is in his study. Can you take this to him? He hasn't eaten yet." She asked of me.

I nodded my head. We don't need a grumpy pants today. "Where is it?"

"It's down the hall, it's the first door on the left from your room."

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