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Nicolas' pov:

"Son..." I heard my fathers voice.

"Father?" I called out in the darkness.

"I'm here." his voiced echoed.

"Where?" I couldn't even see my own hand.

"Behind you." he whispered behind me. I turned around quickly and saw a shadowy figure. "I am so disappointed in you."

I frowned. "Why? Our empire is growing stronger. Just like I promised it would."

"No, it isn't." A light appeared overhead. I saw my father just like the last day I saw him. A bullet in his skull and pale skin. "You're weak because of that girl!"

I shook my head. "No. she's making me stronger." How am I even talking to him? He's dead. Wait... does that mean... I'm dead?

"You're a king. Are you really telling me you need a woman to make you stronger?" He gave me a disappointing look. "I didn't raise you like that."

"You don't understand. I love her. She's my queen. A king needs his queen so his empire will grow stronger." I tried reason. My heart started to ache. Why isn't he proud of me? We are growing stronger. I'm close to regaining control of Italy too.

"The only reason a kings needs a queen, is to produce heirs. But you're allowing her to change the way you are. And you've become to kind to your enemies. She needs to go."

"NO!" I yelled. She's not leaving, I need her. "Lucien is dead thanks to her. And so is his little gang."

"They would've been dead sooner if you didnt let her get in the way." Out of nowhere, he handed me his gun. "Kill her." He looked over to the side where there was another light overhead.

I followed his eyes, to where he's looking. "Winter?" I gasped as I saw her beaten, bloody and tied in a chair.

I tired to run to her, to untie her, to care for her, but I couldn't move. I felt stuck. She looked up at me with tears streaming down her cheeks. "You. You did this." She spoke with so much bitterness.

I shook my head. "No. I swear I didnt."

"Take it, and kill her!" my father demanded. I didnt respond. I wasn't killing her. "Kill her or I will." He stated.

This can't be real. My father was a king who loved my mother. It was obvious everyday. So why would he say that? And why would he tell me to kill my girl? He always wanted me to bring a queen home... not a whore. Said if I didn't, he'd arrange a marriage for me.

"You are not my father." I finally said with a firm voice.

"Excuse me?!" He looked at me with his eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"You heard me." I knocked the gun out of his and watched it fall next to Winter. "My father wasn't the worlds best dad, but he wouldn't have said that. I don't know who you are, but you can get out of my head." The man impersonating my father smirked, then slowly disappeared.

I turned my attention back to Winter, who is now standing up pointing the gun at me. "Winter-"

"This. Is. All. YOUR. Fault!" The gun was shaking in her hand and her eyes were stormy. She looked so angry and sad.

"Mi amore, please-" I try to take a step towards her, but I literally cannot move my legs.

"Shut up. Don't call me that. I hate you! You did this to me. They broke me, because of YOU!" she shouted.

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