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Winter's pov:

The next thing I knew, I was thrown onto the bed. Not hard, but not soft either. He was teasing me, and I was enjoying it. Another part of me, though... was a little scared.

He crawled top of me with a teasing smile. "You think you can tease me and get away with it?"

I heard myself giggle in response. "Oh. So it's funny now?" His smile grew wider, and my giggle turned into laughter.

"Hmm. Let's see. How ticklish are you?"

My laughter dropped. "No. Don't you dare."

His smile turned into an evil grin and then he started tickling me, causing me to laugh harder.
I felt like a little kid with him. It felt good, considering I didn't have much of a childhood.
My father's tickles were punches. And my brothers tease was anything he could throw at me. He was his fathers son.

"Okay. Okay. Please stop. Please!" I said in between laughs. It was starting to hurt.

Thankfully, he listened. "Thank you." I said when I could finally breathe.

I didn't realize my shirt moved a little where you could see my scar that I got from my father. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either.

"What is this?" Nic traced it with his finger. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not.

"A scar." I didn't want to tell him about my past right now. I don't want to ruin this moment. I've never had a moment like this with anyone. Except my mom.

"No kidding," he glared at me. Oh no. Happy time over.

I sighed and asked him to get off me so I can tell him. He complied and I sat up, leaning against the headboard getting ready to tell the story.

"Um well..."

Knock. Knock.

"Come in." Nic said, knowing it was food.

Someone from the kitchen, I didn't know who it was, gave us our food and left.

Nic's gaze returned to me in waiting for a response. "My father... wasn't always a kind man." I was his eyes darken. "One night, my mother and I made dinner. He came home drunk. He didn't even taste the food. He threw..." tears came down and my hands started shaking. "Everything around us. Plates, cups, tables, coffee pot, pans and anything else that was in his way. He flew some plates where I was standing, I thought I ducked in time. But when it shaddered against the next to me, one of the shards got me in my stomach. Mom took me to the E.R."

Nic's fists clenched. "I'm gonna kill him!" He growled.

I grabbed his hand to stop him from getting up and to hopefully calm him down. "Don't. Okay? Killing him isn't going to undo anything."

"Did your brother get hurt too?" He asked put of the blew.

"No. My brother never got harmed. He was dad's golden child." I roamed my thumb over his large hand, trying to soothe him.

"And your mom couldn't have done anything, could she?" I sadly shook my head.

"She took most of the hits. I'm surprised she lasted as long as she did with him. It was neverending." I used my other hand to take a bit of my food before I passed out. I could feel myself get dizzy.

"Is that why you can't trust me? Is because of him?" He asked. He was still mad, but also sad too.

"Yeah. A little bit. But I do have some trust with you." He looked a little relief. "Hey. Let's finish eating. Can we continue the story another time?"

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