session 03/06

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NEW YORK — 4 years ago

session 03/06

I knock on the door three times and wait. The Carlyle house is big and a house like this in the middle of New York only means how well off and successful they've been. I love the white and brown theme that the house has. It's a flat-roofed house with walls flowing down with small zig-zag sculpting. The brown wooden planks give an edge of rustic vibes and the paved pathway in the front with stone steps adds chic to the look. 

Katherine opened the door with a grin on her face. "About time, come in, Bella," she said inviting me inside her house. 

I've given up on questioning Katherine's ways of dealing with her clients. There's no fixed time, no fixed date, and no fixed place and on a wider scale, it just looks like everything Katherine does, depends on her mood. But I could actually never imagine Katherine getting angry. She's always so serene and levelheaded that it's inconceivable to picture Katherine going off the deep end. 

"You have a lovely place," I say as I enter her big house and she closes the door behind me. 

Everything is perfectly arranged. My OCD is completely untriggered because nothing in this house looks like it needs to be corrected. The colors match, the couch matches the curtains and the flooring matches the shelves and tables, the colors are not too much on the face and it's all in the theme of grey and brown and everything seems calming and elegant. 

"Oh, that's so sweet, thank you, Bella," she says never frowning that smile. 

As Katherine pulled up the curtain, I saw how lovely her garden is. She's planted small rose shrubs and the lawn is newly moved. Just as I walk closer to the garden, I see the bright blue swimming pool. It's not too sunny today but it is warm and the scenery from the fag end of the pool, is just the brilliant New York city busy running on its toes. 

"Well," she clapped her hands to grab my attention, "You should get changed." 

"Changed?" I turn to her, completely confused. 

"Yeah, you're swimming attire is in the changing room. I hope you're not aquaphobic?" She was already climbing up her stairs.

"We're--we're swimming?" I am still stuck up on that. 

"Yes, and Helen here will guide you to the washroom." She said pointing at the lady who just entered the living room. I watch Katherine quickly climb up the stairs and then stop to turn around and say, "Helen, please arrange for two margaritas, two glasses of hot water and some enchiladas please?" 


"This way, Miss Cosmo," Helen says as Katherine disappears. 

I walk into the washroom and Helen hands me a blue swimsuit and a towel. I scoff at the color and quickly change into it. I have so many questions and I love how she's so unpredictable and so much in control. I quickly change and walk into the garden to catch her already inside the pool, relaxing with her eyes closed, feeling all the sunshine, and in her terms, I would say she's absorbing all the Vitamin D. 

I step inside, not talking because firstly, I'm clueless, and secondly, I'm nervous because I never know what Katherine is up to. She hears the water splash on my end and she opens her eyes. 

"How was your week?" She asks without looking at me. Her voice is always so energetic and pumped up, that I wonder where she gets her energy from. 

"Calm," I take a pause to relive the good moments of my week, "I went shopping, alone, and I bought amazing shoes. I watched a sunset from on top of the empire state building and I even spent a day in the Paint and Pour cafe where I painted a unicorn for Lily and the painting is in my bag." 

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