#37: Not Pretty.

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don't meddle with what is mine


There are a thousand different kinds of pretty in this world—my mother adjusting my father's tie every morning kind of pretty. My sister quietly smiling at her bulging pregnant belly kind of pretty. Her husband watches that sight from the doorway kind of pretty. I spoke to the most important girl in my life for an hour today morning and I heard her shed a tear but she didn't tell it out loud that she missed me kind of pretty. My best friend worrying about white roses in the banquet hall for her wedding kind of pretty. My partner-in-crime drained out of energy and stuffed chocolate pastries in his mouth kind of pretty. A high school stud now choosing fabric for the reception setting curtains kind of pretty. A little girl with blue eyes and brown curls cheering the waves as they touch her little feet kind of pretty. A retired couple sitting on the sand, sunbathing with sunglasses kind of pretty. My favorite boy taking casual peeks across his shoulder to glance at me kind of pretty. 

This world is filled with gorgeous people and gorgeous emotions when you filter out the negative ones. Bad people exist, but good people outnumber them. The balance of this world is as such for a reason. For the goodness in everyone to prevail. For only love and light to be exchanged. For people need more happiness in this world. And just for a second, I allow myself to be truly happy too. 

"I am done with this whole wedding, Bella. I give up." May says falling into my embrace. 

It's barely dusk yet and she's already exhausted. I smooth her hair as I peek at Austin from in between her black strands. It's been one whole minute and he hasn't glanced at me yet. He was talking to Chloe and Mason on the other side of the table. They were waiting for their evening coffee and snacks. He bends down to tie his shoelaces but while straightening up he takes a quick peek at me. I catch him and his smile widens as he instantly turns away. 

"Then cancel the wedding," 

She pulls herself out of my hug and gives me a glare. "That is not what you say to the bride. You're supposed to make the cold feet go away, not encourage it." 

I curb my leer. "Do you want me to arrange a registered marriage ceremony?" May looks at me and starts to consider my suggestion. I shake her arms, "I was kidding. You have five days left for the ceremony shut up and go take a hot shower you'll be alright." 

She fake-cries as her arms wrap around me again. I chuckle as I help her console herself and her fake tears. My eyes land on Julie and Brittney who enter from the alternate door of the restaurant. My smile fades when she (as I had predicted) runs her hand down his arm and she hugs him from behind. May pulls back and looks at what I'm blatantly watching. 

I keep waiting for Julie to pull herself off him and walk to her seat but she rests her chin on the top of his head with her hands dropping on his shoulder, carelessly. 

I gulp as I squeeze May's arm. "I have a little something to take care of. Will you give me a second?" 

May shuffles her gaze between the table and me. Her lips fold but her uncontrollable smirk is evidently flashing across her face. She nudges me ahead and I feel her eyes tail me as I walk to the table. 

I tap on Julie's shoulder and she turns to me. I hold her wrist as I drag one of her hands off his shoulder, and respectfully, her other hand stops touching him too. His eyes find mine, frowning but grinning. I drag Julie's wrist across the table from behind Austin to the empty seat beside Chloe. I keep a pursed smile on my face as I indicate for her to sit down. 

Jason sees me walking back to Austin and the back of his hand covers his smirk as he looks away from me. I walk behind Austin's chair, he's straightened up. 

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