1, 2, 3, 4.

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I hear my footsteps echo. The dark night keeps getting darker. I clutch Lily in my arms as tightly as I remember holding his shirt. I hide her in Jason's football jacket. I don't dare to glance behind me because I know I'm being followed. I glance at my phone, the location says it's two minutes away. 

I turn on the next block. The street is a straight line. I'm losing strength, physically and emotionally. With every step, I take my confidence tears down. My breathing is audible, but my thoughts are too. My face is moist, sweat or tears, I'm unsure. My heart is begging me to stop, my mind is begging me to run, and my body is already playing flashes of me being forced. 

I can see Mia's brown door. I have 50 more steps to walk, 4 more steps to climb, 3 knocks on the door, and Lily will be safe. The man behind me clears his throat and I feel him near. How long do 120 seconds last? I hurry my steps, he follows my move. I briskly walk, I can hear him too.

God, please. I pray when I gauge the last ten steps. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. 

1, 2, 3, 4.

"Your destination is on your left." I jerk as I run up the stairs. I see the man behind me glancing at me before continuing to walk ahead. I sigh, knocking on the door three times. 

The door opens and I see the smile dwindle down the face of a girl who is wearing a hoodie and sweats, has her chestnut brown hair that I adore so much tied up in a thick bun, and her eyes stare at me, blankly. 

"Bella?" She says as she checks the time on her living room clock. I self-invited myself while I let her digest my presence. I lay Lily slowly on Mia's warm brown couch. Lily instantly curls to her side. I see her tiny fingers curl around my thumb. I slowly pull my hand away. It aches me. "Is that a baby? Who's baby is that?" 

I ignore Mia as I pull Jason's thick, huge jacket on Lily, covering it to her neck. She takes another loud breath but she's fast asleep. She looks like a baby snow-white, and I can't find the heart in me to leave her here.

"Is she dead?" I snap my head at Mia with glaring eyes. Mia takes a step away, in fright. 

"No, she's asleep." 

"Drugged? Kidnapped?" 

I groan as I take steps toward her. I can't shout, it might wake Lily up. I want to shout. "Neither. I need a favor." 

Mia scoffs as she gestures to the baby and turns to me shrugging. "Really? Gee, I had no idea, Bella. What is it?" 

I lick my lips, inferring that I don't appreciate her sarcasm. She changes her expression immediately. "It's an emergency. I'll explain when I come back to pick her up." 

I'm about to walk out the door but Mia yanks my arm, pulling my back. "The last time you told me you'll explain, you ghosted me for three months. I don't trust you, Bella. It's almost 11 and you show up at my doorstep with a baby in your hand. If you want me to babysit her, I will. But you've got a lot of explaining to do. And this does not look good." She gestured to my situation and I totally agree with her. 

I hold the bridge of my nose as I nod. "Thank you," I say rubbing my eyes. I already feel drained. "Also, I need your bike." 

"Uh--" she scoffs as she walks to her key stand. She walks up to me but she doesn't drop it in my open palm. "If you leave a baby in my house and run away with my bike, I will hunt you down, cut you into pieces and feed them to you." 

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