#26: Hot and Cold.

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promising forever is such a sin


He was resting his hand on the wall behind me as I buttoned his beige shirt up. I purposely kept the top two buttons open but he didn't break our gaze to observe what I'd done. His other hand was meddling with the ends of my red hair. He hadn't stopped touching it. And a part of me loved how quickly he'd noticed the change. 

"What were you doing on the beach?" The first question he asks me after the roughest morning of my life. 

"Meditating," I whisper with my hand inches away from his hair. "Will you yell at me if I touch your hair?" 

"Depends. Do you want me to?" 


"Then I won't." I hide the smile on my face as I straighten his messed-up strands. His eyes close and he licks his lips. 

"This turns you on?" I almost laugh. 

His eyes snap open. The power they hold is enough to make me stop laughing. "Hands off." He says with a straight face but I continue setting his hair. I know he doesn't mind it because all he does is study my face. "What are you doing meditation for?" 

"For peace of mind. To connect with my spiritual self." I tell as I finish setting his hair. It looks as if he came out of professional vanity. 

He bursts out laughing and I frown, dropping my hands off his hair. "Peace of mind? How is your mind after your meditation with me?"

I stared at his mock in disbelief. "Calm."

He laughed louder. "Right. I'm sure your definition of calm includes screaming my name while I'm eating you out." 

I straighten up as I glance at the closed door. I look at him with glaring eyes and his smirk grows. I can't hold his gaze so my eyes drop to the wave tattoo on his chest. I trace it with the tip of my finger and his chest heaves. 

"Good luck, connecting to your spiritual self. But if you need any assistance in getting there, I can always help." He says and I roll my eyes. He suddenly pinches my cheeks as he pulls my face up. My eyes invariably meet his gaze again. "Don't roll your eyes at me." I roll them more evidently. 

His hand drops from my cheeks to my throat. He clasps it and I wince, scoffing a breath. 

His phone buzzed once, and we both ignore it. When it buzzed again he groaned, clenching his jaw and releasing my throat. He puts it back on the wall beside my head as his other hand fishes his phone out of his pocket. 

He glanced at his phone and his forehead drops to my shoulder. He groans as he holds the phone out for me to see the message. 

The boys are on their way. Please coordinate with Jason and help them get to their rooms. Sorry man. 

"Who are the boys?" I asked smiling at the message. 

"Some of them are from school. Football team." I nod, even though I don't recall even one of them. "I know you don't remember their names. They're coming along with some of the boys from college, Revenna Chiefs."

"Sweet," I try to look on the bright side of it, conveniently ignoring how many new friends they made in their college. "You should go, start helping them settle." 

"And leave you all alone?" He pulled his head from my shoulder and I smile at him. "I'll introduce you, come with me." 

"I have work," I scoff. "There's this new publisher who is the head of the company I'm collaborating with on the board now. He's extremely annoying. He's keeping tabs on my deadlines and he gets really mean when I delay them." 

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