#25: Red.

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we will always fight for power


It's almost 05:30 am when I arrive back at my parent's penthouse. I quickly shower, change and heat the breakfast that Mrs. Jones has left for me in the freezer. The meeting got over late at night and even though dad wasn't super excited about the idea of it, I seemed to be thrilled. This was my only shot at bagging this opportunity. Thus, as much as I didn't want to leave the resort, I had to. I hardly got much sleep because of a single chained thought looped inside my head, I decided to take it off in the gym before my flight back to the resort. 

I quickly eat my breakfast and drink the mixed fruit juice in a gulp. I walk up to my room and check my bag again. I make sure I have everything I need and I head outside, making a call to Samuel to see if my flight's ready. 

"Sam?" I say as he picks up. 

"Flight is on schedule sir, I'm waiting for you downstairs." 

"Great." I smile internally. "I'll be there in 10."

I keep the letter I wrote inside the envelope that says 'MOM' and I rest that on the coffee table in front of the couch. She likes the old-school gestures and no matter how badly she wanted to talk to me yesterday, we couldn't find the time. She's still asleep now and I have to leave. 

"All the love only for your mother, huh?" I shivered as I turned around and saw Dad sitting on the kitchen aisle with a mug in his hand. He gestured to the other mug in front of him. I glanced at my watch and looked back at him. "Drink," he ordered and I rolled my eyes, making my way to him. 

I sat on the chair opposite him and I held the mug. I smelled the coffee and this was not something Mrs. Jones made, this was all dad. I grinned as I sipped coffee made from the hands of the man who taught me how to make coffee in the first place. 

Beverage tip: Never drink hot coffee after cold mixed fruit juice.

I tried to brush away nausea beginning to grow from the tip of my tongue to the pit of my stomach. Three sips later, my tongue adjusted to the taste.  

"You still write handwritten letters for your mother but you cannot spare time to drink coffee with me?" He shook his head glancing at me. "I'm officially hurt." 

I chuckled. "My bad, I'm sorry." 

"I heard she's back." He sipped into his coffee and I stared at him, blankly. This is why I dodge my dad all the time. "Is she the reason why you have that happy smile on your face and the red flush on your cheeks?" 

"Who told you?" I frowned at him. 

"Aiden told your mom and she told me." Dad took another sip and I closed my eyes. Stupid Aiden. 

Ever since Izz left, mom has been perpetually fretting at me to go and meet her or talk to her once. Although I assured her so many times that I am perfectly alright in my life, she seemed to ignore that and began challenging me so I'd talk to Izz once. When they finally gave up, she challenged me saying that if and when Isabella Cosmo ever enters my life again, it will affect me and I kept denying that. 

"Did you just lose a bet to your mother?" Dad chuckled as he sipped into his coffee again. 

I groaned. "No, I did not. I'm happy because of yesterday's meeting, not because she's in town." I lied shaking my head. 

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