#47: Wedding On The Verge.

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we are all made of stars


That's nearly impossible. 

The hardest day to go missing is the day of your wedding. Five hundred pairs of eyes are waiting for a glimpse of you, thirty of them are following you around everywhere, a handful of them are bent upon making you look perfect and another handful would trade lives if anything bad was going to happen. 

Given the fact that I'd seen her getting ready in the bistro twenty minutes ago, there is no chance that she can go missing. Either Emily is exaggerating or unimaginable shit has happened. 

I laugh, showing my disbelief and annoyance at the wedding planner. "That's beyond absurd, Emily, what do you mean by missing?" 

Emily is flipping through the sheets on her notepad, hoping to find May (her location hopefully) in between them. There should be an agenda that Emily missed in May's schedule and she's simply getting paranoid now. Five minutes left for the door to open, May won't go missing by choice. 

Emily pulls her head to me when she's done hunting through her pages. "Her makeup was getting fixed seventeen minutes ago when she asked to take a washroom break. She went into the washroom," Emily pointed at the washroom sign in the bistro, "And then she was supposed to go back to her seat," Emily dragged her hand back to the black chair that had 'BRIDE' written on the back of it in the bistro. "Except, she never did and now she's not in the washroom as well." 

I glance around the place. The lobby of the resort is filled with only a small number of people scurrying around. Most of the guests have already taken positions in the ballroom, ready to witness the aisle walk down. I see May's father looking clueless as he talks to his brother, glancing at his watch and then at the bistro. 

I can see worry settle upon all the faces when they exchange glances with me. Especially in the last few days, the security in the resort premises was increased. In order to dull the rumors of Edgar West's silent disappearance and the safety of all of us, all our security teams had been paid double to intensify protection. 

There's no way anyone causing trouble could have entered. Everyone coming in was individually scanned and sanitized before they were allowed. Every purse, every handbag, every clutch, every blazer, and every shoe passed that scanning machine. I had complete confidence in the guards. 

May went to the washroom and she probably got out and went before anyone of them could spot her. Maybe she wanted to be alone, or she got cold feet and she doesn't want to get married anymore. 

I check the washroom for any signs but there's absolutely no clue. As I get out of the restroom, the first thing that comes into view beside me is the staircase and the elevator. The lobby has guards and the ballroom doors are closed. She never went back to the bistro, so that rules out the outdoor which is also guarded. So my bets are that she took the stairs or the elevator was her best friend with timing. 

I take the elevator to the sixth floor and when I enter the room, the room is dark. I search for signs of her in the shower and the balcony but she's not in our room. 

I walk out of our suite, letting the door close behind me. I wait for the elevator door and see Liam and Austin standing in it, with despair marking their faces. 

"She's not here," I tell them as Liam tries calling her again. 

We wait in impatient silence, trying to decipher a meaningful explanation for her disappearance. Jason joins us from the staircase, panting and leaning over his knee. "Not in any of the floors either." He said and I realized Emily hadn't told any of them anything yet. The word was spreading. 

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