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"Okay what's the game?" Jimin asked, "never have I ever." SeoJi said. Everyone agreed, "are you gonna play?" I asked Hoseok and he nodded.

"Okay first one, never have I ever sneaked out of the house to meet up with someone." Yicheon said and I lowered a finger. "I wonder who it was." EunJi said looking at me and Hoseok.

"Never have I ever rode a motorcycle?" Jimin said and Yoongi, Hoseok and I lowered a finger.

"Never have I ever kissed my sibling's friend?" Yicheon asked and Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and I lowered a finger.

"You don't have siblings though Yun-Seo." Jisun said confused, "step siblings, and it's these two." I pointed at Yoongi and YoonJun.

"Okay next." Hoseok said, "never have I ever, dreamed about fucking someone?" YoonJun asked, Hoseok and Yoongi lowered a finger.

"Never have I ever killed someone?" Yoongi asked, the boys fingers went down and I lowered one of mine. "You killed someone?" EunJi asked, "in a game." I said nervously.

"I get it, you're too innocent to kill someone!" She said and I chuckled. "Never have I ever shared a kiss with someone you dislike?" Jisun said and I lowered my finger.

"Better not be me." Hoseok mumbled but I heard it. I didn't say anything else. "Actually let's change the game to truth or dare."

"Yun-Seo truth or dare?" SeoJi asked, "uh dare." EunJi smirked and whispered something to her. "By end of the day, you need to... what was it?" SeoJi asked and EunJi cleared her throat.

"You have to fuck anyone from this limo!" My eyes widened and my breath hitched, "why?" She smiled, "come on it will be fun." I rolled my eyes and got annoyed.

"Uh how much long?" Taehyung asked, "10 minutes sir." The driver said, "you okay?" Hoseok asked quietly and I hummed.

"Hoyeon truth or dare?" Yoongi asked, "truth, duh." She said, "have you ever thought on taking a guy that one of your friends like?" Yoongi asked and she gulped. "Well...in a joking way."

I rolled my eyes, "can I kill her?" I whispered to Hoseok and he laughed softly, "no." I scoffed lightly.

At the ceremony.

"Okay, so The guys will go first and then the couples will." I said standing at the front. "Okay so let's practice one more time." SeoJi said and they got in position.

"Okay now." I said and the guys walked in first, they got to where I was and stood by where Jihyun would be on the left side.

EunJi and Yoongi were first, then Yicheon and Jin, SeoJi and Jimin, Jisun and Namjoon, Hoyeon and YoonJun. lastly me and Hoseok.

"Okay so then, they got together and blah blah then kiss and the party starts, just for you to know I won't be with you lot I have to stay upstairs cause my mother asked for someone to come so yeah." I said and felt someone's eyes on me.

It was YoonJun, "then we are going to the venue and that's when the party starts." Yoongi said.

Start of the ceremony.

People came in and I got nervous, "I...I can't do this." I said and my breathing quickened... "oh my gosh don't over exaggerate." Hoyeon said rolling her eyes.

"You okay?" Hoseok asked and I nodded...

The music started and I took deep breaths, "I hope you break a leg." Hoyeon said and went to YoonJun.

"Everything will be okay." Hoseok said and interlocked our hands together, "ignore what she said, do you want water?" I shook my head.

5 minutes later

It was our turn and I saw the limousine mom was in park, me and Hoseok walked down the aisle and he gripped my hand the whole way until we were at the front, I stood next to Hoyeon and the music changed into a much softer calming one.

The doors closed and people stood up as my mother walked down the aisle, I felt my eyes water up and I looked up sniffing. She smiled at me and I we both laughed, she stopped by me and kissed my cheek.

My mother stood in front of Jihyun and his jaw was dropped, in his eyes you could see love and how much care he has for my mother.

The man came and placed a paper down, they both signed it and held each other's hand.
I was handed the rings and the man gestured for me to come.

I walked up to where they were and they took each other's ring.

"Min Jihyun do you take Choi Chaeryeong as your beloved wife until death, no matter-" the man was cut off by Jihyun, "I do." He slipped the ring onto my mother's finger.

"Choi Chaeryeong do you take Min Jihyun as your beloved husband Un-" my mother cut his sentence off, "I do." The audience laughed and she slipped the ring on his finger.

"You may kiss the bride." Jihyun lifted the vail and they kissed, the people cheered loudly and we clapped.

The mic was handed to Yoongi and he gulped, "what do I say?" He asked.
"I know." YoonJun said and took the mic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to announce that these two will not let go of each other and that you make sure to wish them a good healthy life with one another." I was surprised and he smiled.

Ma came to me, "your father is up there, you might wanna go." I nodded, "wait does Jihyun know?" She nodded.

"Okay, I'll go there now." I said and went up the stairs, dad turned around and smirked, "you could of told me, I wouldn't be mad." I sighed and he hugged me.

"Dad, I kinda forgot. But next week I'm going training I promise." He chuckled and said, "okay..." we broke the hug.

"So the guy you were walking down with, so he your boyfriend?" I looked at him, "no, I mean I wish..." I realised what I said and dad laughed."I know his dad, we're good friends and we've talked about how you two sneak to meet each other." My eyes widened.

"Oh also, I know you killed him that day... I'm not mad I'm proud but next time use a better knife." I scoffed, "I killed someone, am I supposed to feel relieved?"

"Depends on who you kill, now go enjoy the party I have to meet my girlfriend." He was about to walk away when I held his arm. "You have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, but you'll meet her soon, we only started dating yesterday so don't worry!" I chuckled and dad kissed my cheek before leaving through the back door.

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