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An emergency meeting is called. The Azure Apostle, a dangerous criminal, send more threats, endangering multiple lives. Thanks to Dazai, Kunikida and the joint efforts of the Agency members, the case finally comes to a close. You're so swept up in the aftermath you don't even have a chance to assist Kunikida and Dazai with any of the threats. Thankfully, they are capable of taking care of them on their own.

Still, something weighs in the back of your mind, like you had forgotten about something. You don't feel a sense of conclusion when the threats are eliminated. You share your worries with Dazai and you receive a serious look back. "I agree," he nods. "Something doesn't feel right. I'll look into it and let you know."

It's only a few hours later when Dazai sends you a text.

"I think it's better if you come here. Just in case. Your suspicions might have been correct." A picture of the abandoned hospital interior is attached.

Your eyes widen. Of course! The real Azure Apostle identity hasn't been revealed yet. You quickly throw on some appropriate clothes and teleport to the hospital. The windows are shattered, letting the pleasant breeze in. Warm sun rays shine into the room, proving the room to be nothing else than an old, dusty, and deserted sickroom.

You appear just as Dazai gives an answer to Kunikida, who is holding him by the collar. "I emailed them and asked them to come here. Said I had evidence that they were the real culprit." Kunikida's eyes widen, and he immediately gives you a strange look, but Dazai shakes his head. "That person is not here yet, but they should arrive any minute now. I asked (Y/n) to meet us here, should the need for a quick escape arise." The blonde man breathes out a sigh of relief and looks around the room.

After a minute or two, Dazai speaks out again. "I hear footsteps."

"The hell are you doing here, Four-Eyes?"

Standing in the doorway is a boy in his early teens, who you guess is Taguchi Rokuzo, the information broker and hacker. His short brown hair is messed up, like he hadn't bothered to brush it after he woke up, and his brownish-gold eyes narrow at an equally confused Kunikida.

"Why... are you here?" Kunikida isn't able to hide his shock.

"I oughta be asking you the same thing. Did you come here to find out the truth too?" Your body tenses up.

Kunikida clenches his fist and starts questioning, an unbelieving tone in his voice. "Why, Rokuzo? Is it my fault? Is that it? Because it's my fault your father died – you resented me that much?"

You slowly move closer to Rokuzo.

"My father? Yeah, I hate the man who killed my dad. Obviously. But Four-Eyes-"

For the first time in a while, you feel completely prepared.

Dazai suddenly speaks up. "It looks like some hacker was reading my e-mails, huh?"

Any minute now-

A gunshot.

You don't hesitate. Your reaction time has improved immensely thanks to your training after all.

A bullet hits your back, and you collapse from the sudden impact.

Rokuzo is left speechless. If you hadn't moved quickly enough, there would be a hole in his chest right now. But there isn't one. You did it. And you didn't die either! Thank Asagiri you remembered to put on a bullet-proof vest.

Your eyes are closed, and you can only hear their voices. Her voices comes from the direction you were shot from. "Detective Kunikida... I apologise."

You supress the urge to trip her as she steps over your body.

"So, you're the Azure Apostle." Kunikida's voice echoes in the room, shock hanging onto every word.

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