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It's peaceful. You teleport directly onto a driveway, and the only thing you really notice is just how calm everything surrounding you is. The sky is perfectly clear and a brilliant blue; the only thing you can hear is the melodic chirping of birds. A picture-perfect retreat. It appears to be located in a secluded area; you can't hear any traffic noise at all. The outside looks exactly as it did in the photo: an old European mansion, with greenery all around it. A picture-perfect retreat frozen in time... and the perfect place to hide as a dangerous ability user.

The driveway leads to the main entryway of the hotel. A small plaque that reads 'Begonia' is situated on the wall next to the door. A large vase under it is filled with an arrangement of white and red begonias - probably a small nod to the hotel's name. Your hair is ruffled by a gentle breeze and the trees start to dance; their branches kindly welcome you to their secret grove.

It's a bit mysterious if you really think about it. Begonia is a hotel, and yet you seem to be the only people outside. There's no cars, no tourists taking a walk – everything is simply quiet and empty. Almost like this place was made simply for you

You are pulled back from your thoughts with the sound of gagging. Suehiro Tetchou covers his mouth with his hand and desperately throws himself into the nearest bush. Ah, there it is.

You see, there are unfortunate side-effects that most people experience after getting teleported for the very first time. The most common ones include vomiting and... You ignore Tetchou's suffering form in the bush for a moment and look at Jouno. The young man tries to take a single wobbly step forward and collapses to the ground. Vertigo.

"You okay?" You offer a hand to help him up. "The first time is always the worst." Jouno takes your hand without a second thought and pulls himself up. He leans against your shoulder, still feeling a bit unstable. Tetchou slowly makes his way back to the two of you, comically green in the face and his steps agonizingly slow. He's like a zombie. When he finally reaches you, he hides his face against your other shoulder and groans incomprehensibly. Turns out that not even the surgically modified hunting dogs' bodies can resist the annoying side-effects of first-time teleporting.

"There, there," you pat the two strongest soldiers comfortingly. "You won't ever experience this again. Your body is used to it now." The two remain quiet.


You poke Tetchou's cheek to get his attention. The brown-haired young man lifts his head from your shoulder and looks up at you gloomily. You give him your softest smile, pulling out a bottle of water and some gum from your bag. "Here." The tips of his ears are already turning red at the idea of sharing a water bottle with you, and he opens it to take a sip. "I have more," you reach back into your bag again and pull one out for Jouno. You pull on his sleeve to get his attention and wrap his hand around the water bottle. "Drink. It'll make you feel better, I promise." Jouno slowly opens the bottle and takes a small sip. Once they realize the water really does make them feel better, they desperately drink it all. Water has never tasted better.

Tetchou wipes his mouth with his sleeve and pops a piece of gum into his mouth. Jouno takes a deep breath and moves forward, this time not falling over.

"Alright, are you two okay now? Because we should get going and not stand awkwardly in their driveway!" You turn towards the main entrance, Jouno and Tetchou trailing behind you.

You don't even have to grab the door knob, because the door swings open for you. A short young man in a uniform stands in the entryway and greets you politely. "I'm Yoshikawa. I'll be taking your luggage to your rooms. Meanwhile, please go to the reception and check in."

You open your mouth to question how he knows where your rooms are despite you never introducing yourself, but Yoshikawa grabs your bags and practically vanishes into thin air. You look around, but he is nowhere to be seen. You exchange confused glances with your teammates but enter the lobby nevertheless. The moment you step in, a calm melody fills the previous silence. Someone must be playing the piano somewhere. How beautiful. As you get closer to the reception desk, the music seems to get almost unnoticeably louder. You don't notice, Tetchou doesn't either - but Jouno does.

the other side of paradise | bsd x gn!readerWhere stories live. Discover now