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"(Y/n), would you be so kind to come meet me at the location I've texted you? I've gotten myself into an uncomfortable situation."

After receiving the call, you realize Dazai must've left your dorm early in the morning, early enough for you not to hear him leaving. He probably didn't grab anything to eat. You would've woken up if he did - he's not quiet (nor does he try to be) while he's exploring the kitchen. Quickly, you get dressed into your usual clothes and hurry to the location. While stopping by a small bakery on the way, you find yourself in a dilemma. Stuck deciding between anpan, a sweetened bread roll made with sweetened red bean paste a or melonpan, a sweet roll with a light flavour and texture, you spend a few minutes contemplating.

Fuck it, you think to yourself. You'll grab a bunch of each and share them with the agency.

"Why didn't you ask someone else in the agency for help?"

Atsushi's already talking to Dazai when you arrive. The bandaged detective's actions concern him, rightfully so. The two are conversing normally, like they're just two acquaintances catching up. The only thing odd about their conversation is Dazai's position. He's stuck inside of a barrel. The young man, who is standing, is now wearing new clothes, the ones you picked out with the rest of the Agency members. The sleeves of the white button-up are pushed to his elbows to not bother him, the black pants are being held up by a pair of suspenders and the outfit is complete with a loose black tie, black fingerless gloves, and a belt, which reminds you of a cat's tail. How adorable. A great improvement from the tattered orphanage clothes he previously wore.

"I did. What do you think they said, when I informed them 'I am going to die'?"

"Go right ahead?"


"Oh, come on!" You draw attention to yourself. "That's not fair. I came as soon as I could. Besides, you know they only said that because they knew I'd never leave you on your own when you need me."

Dazai rotates towards your direction and his eyes brighten. "Ah, (Y/n), my knight in shining armour! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you think I group you with everyone else. You're just so special to me, I could never put you on the same level as that Mr. Stickler-for-Rules~"

You ignore him completely and instead give a kind smile to the confused Atsushi. "I didn't expect to meet you here! Thanks for showing up. I'm usually the one who gets Dazai out of trouble, so I'm glad to see you want to help him too. I know the rest of the agency's members care for him too though. It's nice seeing you came despite not knowing him long. Ah, here!" You offer out the bag with the fresh baked goods. "Take one. I stopped in a bakery on the way here and bought extra."

His stomach rumbles and the tips of his ears flush.

"Ahaha, thank you, (Y/n)," he chuckles in embarrassment. "It seems this is exactly what I needed. I didn't get anything to eat yet."

"It smells so good," Dazai moans from inside the barrel. "Can I get one of those too? And a kiss as well, I'd be very happy if I got a kiss."

"Yeah, but let me help you out of this thing first."

"And the kiss?"

"We'll see. Maybe later, if you play nice today."

"Is this a common occurrence...?"

A few minutes later, the three of you are walking along the busy street, munching on the pan of your choice. Atsushi swallows his bite and asks: "What are you going to do today?"

"Good question," Dazai wipes his hands on his coat as he finishes his anpan. "I was about to secure you a bit of work, actually."

Stars appear in Atsushi's eyes. "You were?!"

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