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A beautiful melody engulfs your being when you step into the elegantly decorated hall. An enormous crowd of stunningly dressed people would normally make you feel out of place, but something about tonight was different. The elegant outfit you bought while shopping with Yosano fits you nicely. You have to admit – you look good. Hushed whispers and longing stares follow your figure, the figure of the talented detective who so kindly assisted the casino manager. They're impressed, sending you nods and approving smiles. You make your way through the crowd, not paying attention to your surroundings as usual. Partially admiring the bright lights, you look for any people you might recognize.

There's Uriel, dressed in a small suit, looking bored. A purple-haired woman and a tall man are standing next to him, each one with a hand on Uriel's shoulder, chatting to the people around them. His parents, you guess. They look rich. You spot Nikolai as you move along, and he gives you an excited wave. A tired-looking Sigma stands next to him, probably making sure he doesn't pull any of his tricks. Edmund is surrounded by some of the older ladies, excitedly explaining one of his adventures. Good. Everything seems ordinary, just as planned. The only person you can't see anywhere is Fyodor. Just where could he be?

Lost in thought, someone bumps into you once again. This seems to be becoming a regular occurrence, and a quite annoying one at that. You really should start looking where you're going.

"Oh my, I'm so very sorry!" The young woman exclaims with a soft gasp. Her blonde hair is in an elegant bun, strands of hair framing her face perfectly. Her pale blue eyes are almost sparkling – they seem to be curiously taking in the world. A beauty mark is perfectly placed under her left eye, and there's a pencil behind her ear. A pencil? How peculiar.

"I wasn't looking where I was going..." She continues, while rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "It's my first time at a fancy place like this so I can't help myself. I have to see every little detail and sketch it, so I don't forget about it." Ah, an artist. The pencil behind her ear makes more sense now. Plus, she's right. This place is absolutely beautiful, it would be a waste to forget about it.

"Ah!" Her eyes widen and she immediately grabs both of your hands. "Aren't you that detective, the one everybody's been talking about?" You nod slowly, and a smile makes its way onto her face. "Oh my, it's such an honour! You see, I came to the Sky Casino looking for inspiration for my next piece. I think talking with you would be great help and –" Pause. A confused expression, quickly replaced by a realization.

"Oh, how rude of me! I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Irina, an aspiring artist."

You end up chatting for a quite a while, Irina telling you all about her search for inspiration. She's a kind soul, just a little bit lost in the clouds, forgetting what the conversation is about whenever her eye catches something to sketch. You tell her a bit about your detective work, and she excitedly doodles into her sketchbook.

"And that was the last time I ever drank my co-worker's tea."

Irina bursts out laughing at your story, a rosy blush covering her cheeks. "Wow, is being a detective always this entertaining?"

You open your mouth to answer, but a disgustingly velvety voice you don't recognize inserts itself into the conversation. "Oh, I would have never expected for the famed detective to be so beautiful. And your companion," the man winks at Irina, "is quite a beauty herself."

Your face contorts in confusion. Who invited him into the conversation? Irina blushes like a teenager in love. "Oh, thank you."

You move yourself protectively in front of Irina. "And who are you supposed to be?"

The brunette chuckles and flips a strand of hair out of his face. Despite not liking his first impression, you note he's quite attractive and very clearly aware of it. There's a lustful look in his eyes as he bows, takes Irina's hand, and kisses it. Ew.

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