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"Odasaku is coming to visit?!"

The two of you woke up to a beautiful morning. After grabbing a quick bite to eat, Dazai suggests you should take a stroll along the river together before going to the office. Kunikida is probably going to blow a fuse if you're not on time, but every now and then you like to take it slow and come in later. Nobody else really cares what time you come in if you're not in the middle of a case. You chat about everything and anything that comes to mind with Dazai, uplifting your mood immensely. And when you mention that you invited Sakunosuke Oda over for lunch, the young man's mood changes drastically. He hasn't seen him in person for almost four years now, and his eyes light up when he realizes that that might finally change.

"Ango and the kids are coming too, you know." You keep the fact that Oda doesn't know about Ango coming to yourself.

"Awh, not that guy."

Dazai pouts dramatically, yet a different emotion swirls ins his eyes. His dislike for Ango is still there, but it has lessened over these 4 years. Sakaguchi Ango is a curious individual; even after infiltrating so many organizations, he has somehow managed to stay alive. And now, he's your connection to the Special Division, even if he doesn't know how important his role is to you. Besides trying to give the trio an opportunity for closure, your other goal is to grow closer to Ango with hopes of convincing him to go look for important information which might come handy in the future.

"Don't be like that, he cares about you and wonders how you're doing, even if he doesn't say it out loud. Also, I think he and Oda have a lot to catch up to."

He nods, clearly not believing your words. You sigh and the two of you continue walking in silence.

"Oh!" Dazai claps his hands together and changes the topic, finally asking what he's been itching to know. "Who was the young man who came to the office for you yesterday? Hmmm?" He wiggles his eyebrows, trying to look unbothered. "'Dear' (Y/n)?" His eyelid twitches.


It seems like he doesn't like that nickname one bit. Jealous Dazai... is one of the few sides of him you never really see directly, or that often either. It might be because there's not that many people he considers a threat when it comes to you, or he's just that good at hiding it and it slips only when the jealousy is too intense. You've spent enough time with him to at least have an idea of when he's jealous. It's one of his rarer sides; he keeps it to himself and covers it up with teasing smiles and a curious façade. His eyes turn darker, and when he smiles sweetly, his mouth corner or eyelid twitch almost unnoticeably. He asks too many unnecessary questions, and stops only when he's satisfied with your answer, whether that means he thinks you're telling the truth or just wants to believe you.

He's craving to know what Sigma is to you, and how he could possibly be so close to you.

However, when the person he's jealous of is in the room with the two of you, he becomes possessive. He becomes even touchier than normal, holding you close, playing with your fingers or holding your hand while staring at whoever made him jealous, practically staring daggers at them, with a look on his face that says 'Ha! You could never take what's mine!'

But that's just a theory of yours. Nobody except him knows what's really going through his mind.

"Ah, just a friend of mine. He's... figuring everything out and he doesn't not like it one bit," you wave him off and chuckle.

"Figuring what out?"

"Life." You don't say anything else. Just as he tries to ask for more information, the moment is interrupted by police officers.

"Please don't go any further! This is a murder investigation site."

The two of you exchange glances. "A murder? Here?"

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