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"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

White petals flutter around you as you stand in front of the graves of Uriel's parents. The funeral was quite a big event. A lot of people they helped showed up, making tearful speeches about how good people Celestine and Jeremy were. Celestine's business partner looked absolutely crushed. He told you she was his closest friend and apologized to Uriel for not being able to take him in, despite being his godfather. Uriel waved it off like it was no big deal, since he got to be a part of ADA thanks to that, but you could see he was hurt, even if just a little bit.

"It is, but... Why did you bring roses? As far as I'm aware, that's usually not a flower people bring to a grave."

Uriel turns his head to you with a knowing smile. "Mother told me father sent her roses every Friday when they were engaged..." His hand traces the gravestones lovingly, so gently like they might break any moment. His voice becomes small, light enough for the wind to carry it to the sky. "They're in a better place now. And we'll be reunited soon enough."

"Anyway, I'm done here," the white-haired boy stands up and stretches. "Should we go back to the agency now?"

"Uh, actually, since we're here already... do you mind if we make one more stop?"

You like to think Anastasia's grave is in the same place that Oda's grave would've been. There's no way to know for sure, especially since your memories of specific details are very blurry. Was there a big tree next to it? Was Oda's grave in a lonely spot like this one, away from others? You don't know. You've gotten so used to knowing things thanks to the manga and light novels, but the more you change, the more you won't know. And that... well.

"It's terrifying, not knowing."

You twirl Anastasia's ring between your fingers as you sit with your back against the gravestone. Clutching the ring in your fist, you lean your head back and close your eyes.

"Do you... blame yourself?" Uriel asks quietly, from your left.

You don't bother to open your eyes to answer.

"What do you mean?"

You hear him shuffle closer. "Well, it's quite common for a person to feel guilty after all the things that happened."


"Have you even taken the time to let yourself feel it? Everything that's been happening. Eventually, you have to slow down and let it feel real, you know. Not like it's some fictional world you're observing from afar."

You open your eyes and look at him in pure confusion. "What exactly are you hinting at?"

Uriel's grey eyes widen slightly. "Ah, never mind." Frantically, he waves his arms around. "I don't even know what I'm saying ahaha... You looked lost so I just tried to sound wise and distract you..."

"You're a good kid, Uriel. Thanks for trying to distract me. It's just difficult to feel so alone. I don't like change, but it's inevitable. Change is one of the great tragedies of life — something always changes. However, the Armed Detective Agency has to be one of the best changes that ever happened to me. Somehow, it makes change bearable, and it makes me feel less alone. The Armed Detective Agency is such a good place to be, despite how everything constantly changes. I'm glad you're here. It'll give you insight into so many things in the world. Ah, I'm sorry for getting all philosophical, I shouldn't have done so. You're only 12, you shouldn't listen to my troubles, but instead share yours with me."

You take a deep breath and pause in realization. "Oh god, my closest friend is a 12-year-old I met a few months ago."

"Get a life!" Uriel elbows you as you roll your eyes at him. You stare at each other for a second, only to burst into laughter. Slowly, it fades into a bittersweet silence.

"Oh!" Uriel breaks it excitedly, shifting the mood completely. "Remember how you told me your ability isn't named and I thought that was such a missed opportunity for a really cool name?"


"Well, a name for your ability came to me in my sleep."

"Oh?" you smirk, "Let's hear it then."

"To where I think, I shall go," the boy states proudly.

"That's a good one! And you came up with that yourself?"

"...sure. Yeah." Uriel fiddles with his fingers and suddenly everything around you seems to be more interesting. You decide to wave it off as nothing.

"Well, if I'm ever in the need to use an actual ability name, I'll use yours," you say while standing up and slowly walking away.

"Really?!" The white-haired boy runs in front of you, practically skipping. He doesn't look back.

You stop and turn back to the grave, hidden in the shade of the big tree. If you squint, you can imagine Anastasia sitting there with a grin, waving at you.

You smile and wave back.


2 years pass by in a flash. The Tanizaki siblings join the Agency. Naomi and Junichiro – they're both very nice on their own, but the weird thing they've got going on creeps you out quite a bit.

The kind Haruno Kirako gets hired as a clerk and brings her cat "Mii" to the office often. You give Natsume Souseki a knowing look whenever you see him in his cat form, hoping to make yourself important and/or suspicious enough for him to talk to you in his human form. So far, it doesn't seem to be working.

And Kenji. Sweet, sweet Miyazawa Kenji who remains so kind and gentle, even after all that happened to him in that village. You absolutely adore him, and you had declared him as honorary little brother number two. He was surprised at first but accepted the position with a smile on his face. "I never had a big sibling before," he said and almost made you cry on the spot. The boy deserves the whole world. Uriel was jealous at first, but quickly realized he couldn't stay mad at Kenji, even if he tried. The two 14-year-olds now get along swimmingly and are practically inseparable.

Chuuya keeps his promise, and you manage to make time for each other, meeting in your park at least once a month. You chat on the phone more regularly again. Somehow, neither Dazai nor Chuuya know you're still close with the other.

Speaking of Dazai, slowly but surely, he seems to be more vulnerable when alone with you. The fact that you live together, and you've already seen him at his worst probably helps. You want to help him get better and he lets you. Even more so, he is trying to become better. For you.

Every now and then you and Kunikida check up on Rokuzo and Katai, making sure their house isn't a complete mess and they're eating actual food not just chips. It's like taking care of two teenagers, which is not good for Kunikida's patience.

Other than all that, nothing's changed much. Everyone just got 2 years older.

But of course, what is life without change?

It hits you out of nowhere, on a random Thursday afternoon, as the president announces an emergency.

"A man hunting tiger is causing trouble in Yokohama. We must find it and exterminate it before the worst happens."

And so, it begins.

a/n: AND WE'RE FINALLY MOVING TO THE MANGA PLOT !!!!! IT TOOK US SOME TIME BUT WE'RE HERE !!! uriel chapter because I love him sm

I finished watching bojack horseman and everything, everywhere, all at once and both were SO GOOD in their own way omg

ty for the ability name, ao3 user who said no credit was necessary ! you know who you are thankyou sm again <3

uriel's question: which is your favourite flower?

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