Chapter 14 - Little Light

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Y/N P.O.V-

'I feel weird...' I though, I soon heard voices. One sounded like a little British girl, and the other sound like and older guy. "Do you think she's okay Momo?" The guy asked, and I knew I had heard it before. I started moving around. "Oh my God! She's waking up! What do I do? What if she doesn't remember me again!" The guy's voice said panicking, then I heard a loud thud and an 'OW' from the guy. "Will you be quiet! She's obviously fine if she's moving. Plus if she doesn't remember you then I'll just have to go through some extreme measures to get her memory back!" The British girl said, I though it was finally time to open my eyes and I did. When they opened I seen a black and white looking clown, I felt like I knew him. I look to the side of him and seen a cute little girl, she was adorable! She looked like a porcelain doll. "Y/n are you okay?" He asked, I nodded my head a bit. "Yeah, my head just hurts," I said rubbing my throbbing head. "Do you um... Remember me?" He asked, I closed my eyes to see if I could remember him. I searched through my memories, then I felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to open my eyes. There I saw a sweet smile on the man's face, he had black inky tears running down his face and there was one person who cried inky tears, my love Laughing Jack. "Don't cry..." I told him smiling, he nodded. "I know but I can't help it... It hurts!" He said starting to sob. "Please, your gonna make me cry.. L.j," I said with a sweet weak smile on my face. L.j stopped and looked at me. "You said my name? Do you remember me?" He asked, I giggled before nodding slightly. "I remember everything," I smiled, he chuckled before pulling me into a hug. "I know, I said I'd protect you Gumdrop, but I've been doing an awful job." L.j let go and frowned which caused me to frown. "L.j..." I whispered which caused me to frown. "Big brother, you have protected Y/n, In many ways. You risked your life many times for her, that's protecting." The little girl said, I smiled. "Little sister?" I questioned, L.j smiled and whipped his tears away. "This is Momolett Gumdrop, she's my little sister. Slendy made her for me when your little accident occurred." L.j explained, I smiled at the girl. "Nice to meet you," I laughed, Momolett giggled as well. "Nice to meet you too Y/n, you can call me Momo." She introduced. I gave a nod before Slendy appeared. "Y/n... It's good to have you back," Slendy greeted, I waved to him with a smile before he turned to L.j. "Jack, may we speak in private for a second?" Slendy asked, L.j gave a nod before disappearing with him. I looked at Momolett. "Hey Momo, how did I end up here? The last thing I remember was being dropped off at home by Slenderman," I questioned, her smile turned into a frown. "Someone by the name of Haft-Doll hurt you and did really bad things. I found you with her and brought you back here for you to get treated." Momo explained, my insides turned to horror. "Oh..." I looked down at my bandage's, L.j appeared into the room and he looked very much distressed. "Momo, Y/n, we need to leave now!" L.j panicked, before I or Momo could say anything an explosive happened outside the manor. L.j ran over to I and Momo and we disappeared. What was going on?

Words: 627

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