Chapter 17 - Why... How Come?

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Y/N P.O.V-

It's been 8 days since I last saw L.J. I'm scared and uneasy about the new power I have, and Momo has been out of it for the past few days. "Momo, it's time to eat." I smiled handing her a piece of candy, she turned away. "No hungry..." She quietly spoke, I frowned. I was worried about her, she was a sister to me. "You haven't eaten in the last 4 days." I told her eating some candy. "Not hungry...Will survive." She quietly spoke again. "Leave her alone Y/n. She's not going to eat until L.j come back." Jason reminded me. He had told me this a couple of hours after L.j left, that she probably wouldn't eat. "I know, but it's been 7 whole days since she has last eaten and 3 days since she's been out of it." I said pointing her, Jason rolled his eyes. "Loo-" Before he could finish, black smoke covered the room. 'L.j...' I thought happily, that is until the smoke cleared, and I could see what was in front of me. "L.J..." My eyes watered. Slenderman had Jack over his shoulders both of them covered in blood, as was everyone else who went with them. "No..." I cried, as I noticed the giant hole in his stomach. ", I...Love...y...o.-" L.j fell onto the floor and I quickly ran over to him. "Hey, nonononono!" I cried holding him in my arms. "You can't die, remember! You said you had a gift to give me and that's what you should do, so we can have a happy life!" I cried, everyone crowed us and Momo was in tears. "Do something Dad!" She cried, Slendy shook his head. "I can't... Zalgo put that hole in him. I have tried healing him, but it was made with the intention of not healing." Slendy frowned before he began to sob. "You can't leave me L.j! Not again!" I cried, Momo grabbed my arms and pulled away from his now cold body. "L.j, please!" I cried and cried and cried. But that did nothing... The love of my life, my best friend was dead... Right in front of my eyes...


Y/N's P.O.V-

It's been four years since the love of my life died. I eventually learned how to use my powers and I left the Creepypasta manor and started a new life in the real world, Momo comes and visits me sometimes and so does Slendy when they can. "Lucas, I'm back!" I called out, the brown haired boy peeked his head out of the kitchen. "Hey lovely, welcome back!" Lucas said coming and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I started dating Lucas about a year ago, and we recently moved in together. I still wasn't over L.j's death, but I need someone like Lucas in my life. "Hey My uncle and cousin are coming over today. With one of my other cousins." I smiled, and I put the groceries down, he gave me a nod. "Got you, um which cousins and uncle again?" He asked, I laughed considering a couple of the other Cp's have come and visited. "I don't have that much extend family." I told him taking out all the stuff I had bought. "Um, yes you do." He laughed, I shook my head and put the stuff away. "Thanks for helping me." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Oh it was nothing," He giggled. Lucas was a sweet boy, and he was very kind to me. Always loving. "Is the food almost done?" I asked, he put the food on the plates and gave me a nod. "Good!" Like right on cue the door bell rung. "Simon, Momo-" I opened the door with a smile but my smile quickly dropped. "Hello child." Slendy said and Momo smiled.... But why was he here. "Jack?"

A/N: Sorry for such sad chapters!

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