Chapter 15 -Chaos

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Your P.O.V-

We appeared at an empty house and slowly one by one some of the CPS appeared. "LJ what's going on?!"I asked, he ignored me and went over to his fellow Killers asking where Slendy was. "He'll be here shortly L.J, until then everyone gather around." Masky yelled out, and everyone did as told from the head proxy. "As you guys know Zendaia has been revived and is causing trouble for Slendy and LJ..." Masky took a second to look at me before looking back at the group. "Recently she did some bad things to Y/n to piss LJ and Slendy off. Not only that but she nearly killed Momo," Masky continued, LJ came and hugged me as I hugged Momo. "She teamed up with Zalgo and now is terrorizing us." Hoodie finished for Masky.

Everyone begin mumbling amongst themselves. That is until Slendy appeared bruised up, a tentacle missing, and bleeding. "Slendy /Slenderman /Sir!" Everyone yelled, the Proxies were quick to push everyone back and give Slendy space. I was horrified, I had never seen Slenderman in such a bad status before. "Slendy.." I whispered, I looked down and noticed Momo nor Jack was no longer by my side. The both rushed over to Slendy. "Father!" They both yelled. "I'm okay. I'll be fine, is everyone okay?" Slendy asks, everyone either nodded or gave him a 'Yes'. "Where's Y/n?" Slenderman ask, I moved to the front. He checked to see if I was okay before sighing. "You're okay..."Slendy whispered. "You're more concerned about a mere human that LJ likes than yourself?" Toby asked, which I had to admit hurt me a bit. "Yes, I am..."Slendy coughed, I went over to him and bend down to his level since he was on the floor. "You're gonna okay Slendy!" I screamed grabbing his arm. "Can't you heal yourself?" I asked horrified, Slendy had been taking care of me and LJ for a while. He even let me stay here for Lj. "I don't have the stamina," Slendy laid completely on the ground, I begin to cry. "You can't go! Slenderman doesn't die, aren't you immortal?" I yelled asking, he sighed. "To humans yes, but not to Zalgo..." He coughed again. "Slendy you can't die!" I yelled once again but this time a light begins to Glow, everyone including me was highly confused about where the light came from.

When the light shimmered down and we were able to see Slendy again, he was completely healed I looked down to see the light go back into the palm of my hands. 'I just heal him?' I questioned myself, as everyone stared at me and a healed asleep Slendy.

Words: 455

Gumdrop(Laughing Jack X Reader) {Editing In Process}Where stories live. Discover now