Chapter Four - Where am I?

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A/N: Wow! Guys thank you so much for reading my story I feel so happy right now, please go check out my other books tho *CRIES OF JOY* I'm so happy! OK let's get on with the story!


Your P.O.V-

I awoke in a bed, my E/C stared at the black ceiling. "Where the hell am I?" I quietly questioned as I sat up, I looked around to see I was in a room, sitting up in a King size bed. The bed was covered in black and white strips much like the rest of the room. "Why does this room feel familiar?" I questioned myself again, I got out of the bed and looked down at my leg to see that it was wrapped in a white-clothed bandage, and just like that it hit me! "L.J...." I whispered as I realized I had just been in his room, so would that mean I was inside his box? I got out of the bed, and before I could do anything someone knocked on the door, I got scared a quickly looked around for a place to hide. "L.J, I brought the stuff you wanted," A man's voice spoke, I ran into L.j's closet and covered myself with a load of clothes. A man walked into the room, he wasn't very tall, but he wasn't short either. He had very pale skin and Heterochromia eyes, one of which didn't look realistic. As well, he had a stitch going across his nose and a giant scar on his lip. "L.j?" He questioned and looked around. "Guess he's not here," The man said before setting the clothes down and leaving the room, I waited for a moment before getting out of the closet. "So I'm in a house of some sort, not his box," I said, I looked outside the window that was present in the room and almost screamed. "Not house, more like building!" I whisper shouted, I was at least four stories high off the ground, which scared the shit out of me considering my fear of heights. "I need to get the hell out of here as quick as I can." I panicked as I turned from the window and went to the door. Grabbing the door nob, but a knock stopped me from opening the striped door. "L.J, hey you in there, it's me Masky?" I heard a voice, it was different from the last guy that came into the room. 'Oh, shit...' I thought, I backed away from the door "I'm coming in..." He spoke, this time I didn't have the chance to hide, the man walked in, he stopped immediately and stared at me with the mask on his face, "Sorry Masky, but I'm not Jack..." I responded with a nervous smile, whatever he had in his hand fell onto the carpet. "What the actual fuck..."

A/N: I'll finish this later on the 5th chapter, so thanks guys for reading!

Side Story! {Because why not, and because it's L.j and his dramatic ass with the reader and author!}

Laughing Jack: Who said you can finish the story here! I want to see what Masky's going to do with the reader~

Reader: *Hits L.j in the head* STOP THINKING WRONG YOU IDIOT

Laughing Jack: I'm sorry...Damn...

Author: *Sighs* can you two stop

Laughing Jack and Reader: Fine...

Author: Good I'll see you guys later... Although I mainly mean the reader.

563 Words

Gumdrop(Laughing Jack X Reader) {Editing In Process}Where stories live. Discover now