Special Chapter- Authors Birthday Party (Part 1)

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Nobody's p.o.v-

December 24,2017

It was a stormy winter night, in Slenderwoods walked Author-Chan (maker of the story) she was head to the Slender Mansion were everybody was at she was walking up to the manor it was lit up and loud ' maybe they remembered' she asked herself , as she came inside the manor everybody stopped what they where doing and all said hello to her "hey guys whats going on is there something fun going on today or special today" she asked a little happy to see if they really did remembered " Nope except tomorrow is Christmas" Jeff said author's eyes started to water up " Are you sure, Nothing" she said the reader came " Hey author are you ok" author shook her head " I can't believe you guys" she said crying going up to her room. Reader-Chan was a little confused then l.j appeared in the room with his hands full of boxes that had party stuff in them " Um l.j whats that for" Reader asked " Today's Author- Sans Birthday" He said everybody gasped.

179 words

Gumdrop(Laughing Jack X Reader) {Editing In Process}Where stories live. Discover now