Chapter Eight- Drugged and Kidnapped

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Your p.o.v

"What?" I said confused " Are you willing to leave your old life behind for L.j and stay here for the rest of your life for him as well?" Slenderman said " Wait Slendy I don't wanna leave my old life behind" I said about to cry  "Then that means you don't love l.j" Masky said "I do love l.j with all my heart and no one will stop me" I yelled slamming my hands on the desk and standing up "Don't yell in my office little girl, you said you love l.j then prove it stay here for the rest of your life and forget your old life to prove your love to l.j"  Slendy said repeating what I did, I then begin to cry " I  do love l.j it's just..." I couldn't finish my sentence I pushed my chair  back more and ran over to masky and hugged him (author's note: N/n means nickname) " Look (n/n) we cp's care for you and we just wanna help you ok" masky said rubbing my back as I cried  " Look , I may have an idea " Slendy said sighing a little, I removed my head from Masky's chest and looked at Slendy " What?" I asked " How about us cp's build a house for you and l.j in the woods, it will only be for you and him" Slendy said sighing again, I sniffed and whipped my tear's away and ran to hug Slendy " Thanks so much  Slendy I'm so thankful" I said smiling into his stomach, he hugged me back and lifted my chin so I could look at him , he put his forehead against mine and said " Your welcome my child" I giggled and rubbed my nose against his I then left his office skipping to l.j's room. I then entered l.j's room " L.j we-" before I could finish my sentence someone put a rag over my mouth and nose 'my vision it getting blurry why? ' I asked myself then everything went black.

L.j P.o.v-

 I got out the shower drying my hair with a towel "Mmm I thought I heard my little gummy bear" I said I then shrugged to myself and got dress I walked out my room and started looking places, I then seen Masky talking to Slendy "Hey masky, slendy" I called for them, they both turned my way " What do you need child" Slendy said " I can't find _____ , have you guys seen her" They nodded " She just left Slendy's office to go and tell you something" Masky said "No this...Fuck!" I yelled "Please you guys have to help me find her. She's the only thing that keeps me sane" I said about to cry Masky sighed " Look l.j go back to your room we'll look for her ok" Masky said I nodded and went back to my room and started pacing then something caught my eye it was a pink and red card it caught my eye because most of everything in my room was black and white I went over to get the card 'could this be a letter from _____'  I asked myself I opened the card and my eyes widen " M-My gumdrop has been kidnapped" I said falling on the ground

Your p.o.v -

' What the hell happened, who the hell is this person' I thought then a light turned on " My my, so your the little bitch that's trying to steal my black and white lollypop, Ha" a girl said laughing " Who the hell are you, let me go" I yelled then something cut my cheek and I screamed in pain "Who the hell do you think your talking to huh?" she said showing herself she kind of look like l.j but a girl version " Who are you, just please let me go" I cried " Me! I'm Laughing Jill L.j's wife" she laughed ' that can't be '  I thought crying " Your lying" I yelled my voice cracking " Nope I was his first true love and your not about to get in the way of that" she said cutting my arm I screamed 'this can't be true, l.j loves me ,' I cried " Someone please come help" I whispered Laughing Jill heard me and grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them " No one is going to come for you stupid bitch" she said and cut my lip I cried " please" I said then everything went black 

Slenderman's P.o.v

' The hell ____ where did you go' I thought " Yo Slendy you ok'' Masky said "Yes just fine" I said back then I heard a scream me and Masky ran to the scream and it came from l.j everyone else came over as well to see what was going on, I pushed through the crowd and went over to l.j " L.j what's wrong" I asked l.j handed me a pink and red card I looked inside and it read

Dear My little black and white lollypop,

Hey l.j that stupid bitch _______ was getting in the way of our relationship so I kidnapped her an so I'm going to torcher her ,drug her and then kill her ok love you l.j. <3


'Oh no not this bitch again' I thought in my head I put my hand on his shoulder "L.j" I said worried  "We have to go save her" he said crying even more and looking up at me then back down I nodded " All cp's listen up _______ is missing , I know half of you don't know her but she's l.j's girlfriend and laughing jill is going to kill her, she mean's everything to l.j so please I need only 4 teams I want my proxy's, Toby, Masky, and Hoodie, to go find her as well as Smiley, E.j and Bloody that the first 2 teams then I need Jane ,Doll maker, and Puppet and my last team is going to be Liu , Jeff and Cross those will be my 4 teams me and l.j will go alone with smile dog  Everyone got that" I yelled all my teams nodded and went to go get ready everyone else left I looked back down at l.j I turned his face and whipped his black inky tears away  " L.j I promise we'll find her ok" smile dog said licking his face "Yeah" he said getting up so we could leave.   

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