Chapter 12- How....Caring Momo

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Oh God thanks so much for 2.69k I'm really happy also really sorry for not updating for a while!! Enjoy!

L.J'S P.O.V-
"A..A sister?!" I studdard she was so adorable! " I made her so she can be a sister to you, she will never try to hurt you. She has pure heart, but she will kill people that hurt you like a killer." Slendy said,  I walked over to her "Hi Momolett!" "Hi Jack, You can just call me Momo!" She said " Okay! I will little sis." I said, I hugged Slendy "Hold on to me, Kay!" I told Momo and she did. I disappeared, and then reappeared in the house, "Pick a room Momo." I said smiling "Okay! I'll pick the one 2 rooms away from the masters, which is your room!" She smiled, I smiled back "Momo do you....Know a girl named (Y/N)?" I asked "Yes she's your girlfriend,  and if I'm not wrong.....She forgot about you.." Momo said looking sad "Yeah that's right." I said sadly, Momo came to me and hugged me "Don't worry big Brother she will remember!" Momo said "Thanks Momo!" I said smiling.

(Time skip to night)

Momolett's P.O.V-

I walked out my room fully dressed and went to L.j's room he was knocked out, I then disappeared and appeared in (Y/n)'s house " Hello Y/n? Are you here?" I didn't get a response then a  bright light turn on from the kitchen, I went into the kitchen to see a girl with blue hair on one side and pink hair on the other side with blue and pink clothes on she was above Y/n, I gasp softly and took out my katana, going closer to the girl, then the girl disappeared, I was shocked at first but then realize this was my only chance to get Y/n. I ran over to her, she look like she was dying "Hold on Y/n- Chan, I'm almost done!" I said undoing her chains. When I got done with the chains she fell on to me, "Let's get you back to L.j!" I said picking her up as I started walking something went through me, I coughed up dark blue liquid (Her blood) and fell to the floor with Y/n. "Where do you think you're going with my toy?" The pink/blue girl asked "Away from here!" I managed to say, I looked down at my stomach to see it was forming together again (Like princess bubblegum, Momo is made out of white Bubblegum) the girls eyes wide and, then she smirked binding down to me, then she licked my blood off my lip, I gag in disgusted and pushed her away " Mmm~" She hummed in delight "Blue Barry sour gel candy..... Delicious!" My eyes glared at her "You disgust me!" I said she then kick me in my face I fell back groning, the girl laughed "Now I'm taking my toy back!" She said grabbing Y/n, with all the strength I had left, I got up on my feet almost falling over, my bangs covering my face "I wont leave until I brought...Y/n back....To L.j!" I took out my katana I was not letting this happan "Who the hell are you! You pinky blue bitch!" I yelled one side of her body was pink. Pink eye, hair, skin, shirt, shorts sock,shoe! Her other side was all blue. Blue eye, hair, skin, shirt, shorts, sock and shoe. "My name is Half Doll, is my appearance bothering you?" She said/asked "Not even a bit, just give me back my sister and I won't hurt you!" I said she looked down at Y/n "This ragdoll is your sister? But she's a normal human!" Half Doll said/asked "She's my sister in law okay and I won't leave until I fucking have her back! I'm not going to let my brother suffer anymore, I don't care who fuck you are! But if you mess with my family I'll fucking kill you!" I yelled tears streaming down my face, my eyes had insanity in them. Half Doll had her eyes wide, I ran towards her she dodged my attack but what she didn't know is I could disappear just like her! I disappeared and reappeared, my katana again her throat my face looking at Y/N's kitchen, Half Doll's face was facing toward the door. "Let her go!" I said darkly then I heard a body fall to the ground "Good!" I said before slicing her head off, I put my katana away I grabbed Y/n and disappeared And reappeared in Sendy's bedroom "Dad, hey dad wake up!" I said shaking him he groaned and took off his eye mask (XD you don't got eyes Slendy!!) "What is it child-" he stopped when he 'Seen' me an Y/n "Momo what is the reason of this!" He yelled, I flinched "Dad do you know anyone that goes by the name Half Doll?" I asked, he as white as he is tuned whiter which I think means his colored drained. "Dad...Who is she?" I asked "Half Doll is.... One of my creations." The color on my bubblegum skin drained "She's like me?" I asked, he nodded " I made her to be Dollmakers friend because he was lonely and had no one else but his Victim dolls he had created, Puppeteer and Dollmaker fought over her and rip her apart right through the middle, her other blue side was torn apart by Smile Dog and Jeff I found another half that was pink I did a little modification to make her look the same then I stitched her back up. When she woke up she attacked me trying to kill me I opened a portal to Zalgo's World and lock her up there, please child don't tell me...." I sighed "She's the one who made Y/n forget, she made Y/n into her 'Doll' she also stabbed me. You never told me I was made out of candy... Sorry anywho I killed her by slicing her head off... And why you may ask because I don't want my brother to suffer anymore!" I said I was crying again 'Damn! I'm sensitive !' I thought in my head " I need you, EJ or Smiley even Ann to heal her she still has a pulse, but her breathing is shallow!" I said, he nodded "Go to Puppeteers room, ask to stay with him tonight because I know your not gonna leave until she's fixed!" I nodded I layed Y/n on Slendys bed "Goodbye Sis!" I said before walking out his room and down to Puppeteers room. I knocked on the door and heard a faint glitch voice say 'Come in', I opened the door, He look up from his pillow and smiled "Hey Miss.Gumdrop, you need something?" He asked smirking, I roll my eyes "Stop flirting Pup, I just came here because Slendy only trusted you with me!" I said getting into his bed, "Well that's because, I'm like LJ's brother. So is Poppy but I think Poppy would try to rape you if you were with him?" He said questioning himself, I look at him.. Curiously "Will you rape me?" I asked, his golden eyes widen "Hell no you like a little sister that i like messing with.. Jeeze!" He yelled, I laughed. I got under the covers, he moved a little so I could lay down,  he then pulled me into his arms and kissed me on my forehead "Night Momo!" He said "Goodnight Puppet!" I said back and fell asleep.

1293 words
A/N: Most words I've ever done next chapter might be more!

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