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"is that all of them?"

"does it look like there's anymore, you idiot?"

"it's always so nice working with you kacchan."

the sound of glass breaking and a yell makes both men quickly turn around.

"the bookstore!" bakugou gasps, sprinting towards the criminal.

you sigh as you pick up a box of books to restock one of your shelves, hoping for someone to come through your doors. mornings were usually a little slow, but today was even more quiet than usual.

that is, until you hear the glass at the front of the store break and are soon met with a man attempting to put you in a headlock, the cool metal of the barrel of a gun against the back of your head.

"show me to the safe and the register, and i might let you live."

"i'm sorry, but no."


you reach back and claw at one of his eyes, making him loosen his grip. you take the opportunity to throw him over one of your shoulders, kicking the gun away from him as he hits the ground.

he groans, glaring at you as he rolls onto his stomach, attempting to grab at one of your legs. you stomp down onto his hand, hearing a few bones snap.

"pussy." you say lowly, watching his face contort in anger.

"hey! anyone in here?"

you stay quiet, snatching the gun from the ground and tucking it into your waistband at your lower back.

you stomp on his other hand, leaving him unable to make a fist in either hand and sandwiching the side of his face between the floor and the bottom of your shoe.

you gasp as he turns the corner, surveying the scene.


"well, looks like you did the heavy lifting for me."

you silently gaze at him in wonderment, amazed that such a famous pro had come to your small bookstore to save you.

he looks down, amazed at the fearful look on the robber's face and noticing the injuries you'd inflicted.

"are you hurt?"

you shake your head, opting not to speak if you didn't have to.

"i'll take him off your hands, and put in for someone to come fix your window in the morning."

"i can take care of that."

"sorry miss, but i didn't ask. it's the least i can do for getting here late."

you let out a soft smile, thankful you wouldn't have to dip into your savings.

"well, would you like a book for your troubles?"

"it's not a trouble to do my job, and i couldn't just take one of your books like that." he grins, amazed that the soft-spoken woman in front of him is the same one who took down the robber.

"well, alright." you nod

he puts a pair of cuffs on the robber, roughly pulling him up from the ground.

"thanks, hero."

"you got a name?"

"it's (l/n)."

"you have a good day (l/n). try and stay safe, okay?"

you give him a wave as he exits your store, sighing at all the broken glass on the floor.

"bakugou! you okay man?"

"i'm fine. just a robber." he shrugs dismissively, relaxing kirishima's nerves

"how'd you know where to go so quickly? the store was a few streets away."

"huh? i followed the scream you idiot, how else would i have found it?!"

the look on midoriya's face made bakugou want to wring his neck, because it seemed like he was starting to figure out that that was not bakugou's first time in that bookstore.

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