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two gunshots

switch hands

two more


do it again. and again. and again.

"why are you hesitating?"

"because it's a real person, not a paper target."

"there's no difference. it's the same technique to fire the gun."

you feel a bead of sweat roll down the side of your face, forcing back tears.

there's a man bound to a chair with a cloth bag over his face sitting in front of you, visibly trembling and whimpering hearing the direction you've been given.

"you'd be dead by now if this wasn't training. now do it."

"i-i'm so-"

"do not apologize!"

your hand trembles as your finger squeezes the trigger, shot firing unsteadily.

you close your eyes as you hear a body thump on the floor, a few tear drops rolling out.

"take the cover off his face. she needs to appreciate her handiwork."

you feel her icy hands caress your cheek, shrinking away from her touch.

"there you go, angel. you did lovely."

you open your eyes, glancing over at the body on the floor then letting out a shriek.


you wake from the nightmare in a cold sweat, sitting up quickly as your chest heaves in an effort to catch your breath.

as you look around your room and get your bearings, you burst into tears, making athena move from the foot of your bed to forcing herself under your arms to snuggle up to you.

"how was dinner with (l/n)?"

"it was nice." bakugou let out a surprisingly shy smile, making izuku and eijiro look at each other wide-eyed.

"i don't think i've ever seen you smile like that!"

"kacchan is a certified simp."

"you're gonna leave me for her, aren't you?!"

"shut up, you fucking nerds!"


"hi (l/n)-okay!" you surprise him by rushing out from behind the register counter, wrapping him in a tight hug. he smiles warmly as he returns the gesture, wrapping his arms around your waist.

you could tell he had come straight from his agency. he probably had a crazy day at work judging by a few newly forming bruises on his face and arms, and the faint smell of burnt sugar on him.

over the last two months, you two had been on a lot more "dates" and he came into your store to see you often. you two had never specified if your outings were dates, so as much as you hoped they were, you weren't certain.

"how was your day?"

"it was okay, i got some new stuff delivered this morning."

"let's see." you pause for a second before nodding, waving him over to a shelf where you'd stocked your new arrivals.

he feels his chest tingling listening to you talk about your new books, your enthusiasm about something small so endearing to him.

"you're a real book nerd huh?"

rogue - k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now