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morning baby,

i went to the grocery store to get stuff to cook us dinner tonight. be back soon <3

- (y/n)

bakugou smiles softly at the note left on his nightstand, his mind eased from waking up to your side of the bed being empty.

athena lets out a whine, nuzzling her head against your pillow.

"it's okay bub, she'll be back."

it's about eleven am, two hours since bakugou woke up to your note. and the worry was beginning to set in.

he was trying to not smother you, let you go out and do things as you were comfortable, even though he would've rather had you stay in the house as much as possible. not in a controlling sense, he just didn't want arisa to have any more opportunity to get her hands on you than necessary.

today, 11:03 am

athena is laying on your pillow crying
we're patiently awaiting helping you bring the groceries in

before he can begin to type another message, his heart drops, seeing 'message unable to deliver'

his hands begin to shake as he dials your number, eyes widened as there's no rings and it immediately goes to voicemail.

"no, no no no no, fuck!"

he calls another four times, hoping that there's just a glitch with the cell towers or something.

finally, he accepts that the call isn't going to go through, calling izuku next.

"hey kacchan! what's up?"

"i need your help."

"shit, what happened?"

"(y/n) is gone. i think arisa got her."

"welcome back, angel."

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