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"have a great one folks, thank you!" you lock the door behind your last customers, turning your radio on to the local news while you clean up for the night.

"...just received word of yet another missing persons report for a young woman in tokyo."

the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end hearing this, sending a chill down your spine.

"my angels are the strongest there are. there's no room for weakness, or pity, or tears. and i will beat every single one of those pathetic things out of you if i have to."

you slightly shake your head, willing the flashback out of your thoughts.

"and you won't ask her on a date because... why?"

"because i don't see why she'd say yes, we've spoken twice."

he'd also been subtly admiring you every time he came in to buy books from your store, but that's a detail he opted to keep to himself.

"so? 'miko had a crush on me before i knew she existed, and now we're engaged." ochaco shrugged, grinning over at her fiancée in an intense game of mariokart with izuku, kirishima, and shoto.

"that's because vampire bitch used to be a psycho in high school." he playfully rolled his eyes.

bakugou and a group of his friends were all over at ururaka and toga's apartment, ordering food, pouring drinks, and having a game night. this was something they tried to do at least once a month, depending on how busy everyone's schedules were.

"kacchan! grab a controller, i wanna whoop your ass next round."

"you're on nerd."

"bakugou, who's this new girl you're all crazy about?" todoroki looked up curiously from his seat on the floor between izuku's legs as bakugou took a seat between izuku and kirishima.

"oh my god, i'm not crazy about her. i've talked to her twice!"

"does the amount of times you've spoken to someone correlate to your feelings towards them?"

"no, shoto, he's just in denial."

"oh. because i knew that i l-"

"shoto, dude, we know you've been in love with izuku since forever. you don't have to remind us again." kirishima's comment makes todoroki's cheeks tint pink, the group laughing and izuku leaning down to kiss the top of his head.

"you can remind me as much as you want."

the next game starts, bakugou taking toga's place in the game and immediately yelling with his friends as they all take off on the track.

she wraps her arms around ochaco as the smaller girl puts food on plates for everyone, sighing contentedly.

"he loves her."


"matchbox. he loves that girl."

"you think so?"

"he got the same look in his eyes as i do when i think about you."

ochaco grins, spinning to face her fiancée and running her hands up her sides.

"you're a real hopeless romantic honey."

"that's why we're getting married!"

after a few more races, the group gathers around the couple's dinner table, plates being passed around for everyone.

"hey matchbox, why don't you bring your new girl to the wedding? you get a plus one."

kirishima fails to conceal a laugh as bakugou sighs dramatically, giving toga a look.

"how many times do i have to tell you idiots i'm
not in love with her?!"

"i didn't say you were in love. i said bring her to the wedding."

"you just ratted out your damn self!" izuku whooped, bursting into laughter.

"he can't take a plus one if he's already going with me!"

"kirishima, you get an invite, you don't need to be a plus one. you would've seen your boyfriend either way."

"sorry man, i tried." he turned to bakugou, shrugging.

"thanks boo." he shot the redhead a playful wink, making everyone laugh.


i hc that bakugou and kirishima have a friendship kinda like vinny and pauly d 😭 husbands on the low

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