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"thank you all so much." you wave to the contractors who'd come to your store, admiring your new window.

the day goes by at a steady pace, some of your regulars coming in and a few new faces mixed in.

you notice one of your regulars come in near the end of you day, catching your eye. he's tall, with broad shoulders and a sturdy build. there's a white mask covering the bottom half of his face and an olive green baseball cap on his head, covering almost his entire face.

you recognized him quickly, because he was always coming in looking like he was undercover. but, after subtly following him around the store one day and paying close attention, you realized that he really was just a customer buying books who seemingly didn't want his identity to be obvious.

he did have a habit of buying romance mangas. maybe he was keeping his guilty pleasure secret?

he gives you a brief nod, you returning the gesture.

you begin to tidy up around the register, planning to go home for the night after the last few customers leave.

the man in the hat and mask approaches your counter, a few mangas in his hand.

"this everything for you sir?"

"yes please."

you nod, scanning the books and putting them into a small paper bag.

"the new window up front looks nice."

"oh, thank you."

"they didn't give you any trouble, did they? i called the best glazier i know."

your breath hitches, his deep voice suddenly all too familiar.

"excuse me?"

"don't tell me you forgot about me already." he slightly lifts his hat, revealing a few tufts of pale blond hair and those bright crimson eyes.

"so that's why you always come in looking like you're undercover."

"i'm sure your customers are nice, but i'd really like to keep my identity a secret from them. i'm bakugou."

"hi, bakugou. i'm (l/n)."

"it's nice to see you again." he chuckles nervously, the stoic look on your face slightly throwing him.

"it's 17.86." he nods, putting his credit card into the reader

"can i have a piece of paper?" you reach behind the register, handing him a stack of sticky notes and a pen.

he writes down a number, sliding the paper back to you.

"call me if anyone tries to break in, or anything like that again, okay? even if i'm not patrolling that day, or if i'm on a different route, i'll be here."

"really? you don't have to do all that for me."

"i'd be a real dickhead to let something happen to the person that runs my favorite bookstore."

you hand him the bag and the receipt for his books, taking note of a large scar on one of his hands.

"have a nice day, bakugou."

"you too, (l/n). i'll see you again soon." he gives you a small wave as he exits, the bell above the door ringing above him.

'pro-hero dynamight breaks record for most successful cases in a one year!'
"japanese superstar dynamight voted hottest male hero!"
"dynamight visits local children's hospital!"

your eyes widen as the headlines from your search results populate. you were aware of some of the top heroes, but you didn't like to look too deep into the news or further pry about their cases.

to think the same insanely powerful, no nonsense attitude hero who was known for scaring villains with just his yell, had been so kind to you.

you stared at the sticky note with his phone number on it, fighting the urge to text him just to say hi. but, that isn't what he told you to do. plus, you had no clue if he actually wanted to make conversation with you.

"so, how was the bookstore?"

"the fuck?"

"i'm not stupid, kacchan. there's no way you'd go to the bookstore closest to you to buy your mangas. and you knew exactly where it was, and that wasn't anywhere close to our normal route. and you knew it was a bookstore before you got over there." midoriya gives him a smug grin, watching his friends face contort.

"i don't know what you're talking about, you damn nerd." he grumbled, willing the redness in his face to cease.

"tell me about her." izuku grins, reading his friend like a book.

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