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"let's see how rusty you've gotten, hm?"


"(y/n), you know better than to try to disagree with me. all i want is to see what i need to refresh you on with your training."

you just glare at her, staying as far away from her as possible.

"shall we start with your throwing knives? you've always had a natural talent for those."

she presses a button on the wall, making one of the panels on the floor split in two and a table with throwing knives neatly arranged rise from the floor.

"pick one."

your hand moves towards one, the handle of the knife all too familiar in your grasp.

"good girl. now, let's see how you throw."

you were an idiot to believe you'd actually be able to get one of the knives to hit her, especially after being out of training for the last three years, but impulsivity and anger got the best of you.

you throw it at her as hard as you can, disgusted at how easy the movement comes to you. she steps to the side, the blade breezing past her arm. she gives you a smirk, cockily raising a brow.

before you can think about it, you're picking up another one, this time aiming for her face.

you let out a yell as she dodges it easily, throwing a third one. soon enough, all ten knives are stuck in various spots of the walls, making angry tears well up in your eyes. you put your hands on your knees, bending over as you try to catch your breath.

"i taught you better than this. you know being emotional will only slow you down."

"you would know, you cold-hearted bitch."

her face twists into a scowl, the force of her backhanding you nearly knocking you over.

"we'll have to fix that smart mouth of yours too."

and with that she exits the room, leaving you to fall to your knees as tears roll down your cheeks, fists angrily pounding into the floor.

"i think this is the place."


bakugou eagerly moves to look at the laptop screen jirou and hagakure are sitting at, reporting back from a nighttime recon mission.

"tohru was able to attach an audio tracker without triggering any of their security cameras, and that links to an earpiece that lets me hear past the walls with my quirk. there's a lot of soundproofing there. but, i heard tons of gunshots, i think physical fights, and the voices of a bunch of young girls."

"okay, let's go."

"relax, young bakugou. we'll call in everyone else so we can organize a raid."

bakugou is impatiently pacing around his office, waiting for the rest of the heroes and the police department to arrive to coordinate the raid.

there's two knocks on the door, kirishima poking his head through the door frame before he can get an answer.

"hey, i was just coming to check on you."

"hey, ei."

kirishima's smile drops, worry filling his features. he knew bakugou better than anyone, except maybe izuku, and he'd never seen him like this.

"we're gonna find her man, don't stress it."

"even if we do find her, shits gonna hit the fan either way."

"what do you mean?"

"i made a promise, and i'm starting to regret it."

"a promise to who?" kirishima sits on one of the chairs at bakugou's desk, watching his friend lean against the desk and sigh.

"(y/n), she made me promise that if it came to stopping sano or saving her, that i'd stop sano."

"like, stop sano instead of save (y/n)?"

"yea. 'whatever it takes.'" he makes air quotes with his fingers, using the same words you did that night.

"shit..." kirishima's eyes widen, realize the gravity of what you were asking of katsuki.

"like, i know what my job is here. save as many people with as little casualties as possible. detain the villain without killing them. the code for the hero job i've wanted to work since i was a kid. but, i don't even care about that now. i don't want any of those girls to suffer anymore, believe me. but i'd be lying if i said i didn't want to save (y/n) no matter what the consequences are. and i want to kill that sano bitch for what she did to her."


"i'm serious, ei. she means more to me than i ever thought i could care about someone. if getting her out of there means losing my hero license, i'll go resign right now."

"okay, first of all, relax, don't put yourself out of a job before we even start the mission. and, i wasn't gonna try to talk you out of it. being a hero doesn't mean you lose your humanity and things that are important to you outside of work. you're not a robot, and it's not a crime to love another person, and to want them to be safe. obviously you have to do your job, but that doesn't mean you abandon the people who mean the most to you."

bakugou smiles for the first time in days, feeling his heart swell.

"we'll find her man. and you'll bring her home, no doubt about it." kirishima stands, using an arm to hug bakugou reassuringly.

"thank you."

as annoying as it was, it was decided the raid would be the next night, no matter how much bakugou insisted that they leave as soon as all the heroes showed up.

athena jobs towards the front door upon hearing bakugou's keys in the lock, still hopeful that you'd be at his side the next time he came in the house.

"hey, baby girl." he gives her a sad smile, kneeling down to pet her as her eyes fill with disappointment.

"i know. mama's coming back soon, i promise." he plants a kiss on the top of her head, gesturing for her to follow him into his room to go to bed.

he doesn't get any sleep that night either. all he can think about is getting you by his side again.

whatever it takes.

rogue - k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now