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"young bakugou! always nice to see you."

bakugou joins izuku, shoto, kirishima, jirou, momo, and denki in a conference room, tsukauchi and a few other law enforcement personnel in the back of the room.

"i think i know who's behind all the kidnappings recently."

"and who might that be?"

"that's the problem. i don't know their name. but i'm almost certain it's the same person who did something to (y/n) when she was younger, maybe even killed her parents."

"that's a hefty accusation. what makes you think so?"

he goes on to explain the explosion at the bookstore and the woman he encountered, and your reaction to being called 'angel,' concern filling the eyes of everyone in the room.

"well, i don't know about her being behind everything, but it's definitely worth investigating at least her connection to (l/n)." bakugou rolls his eyes at tsukauchi's words, wishing he would take him more seriously.

"for now, we need to keep a watchful eye on (l/n) and make sure nobody provokes her or tries to come after her again. if this woman truly is from her past, i fear for her safety if she gets her hands on her."

"she'll stay with me."

kirishima and denki nudge each other, quietly giggling like children at bakugou's words.

you're rereading one of your favorite books when your phone rings, bakugou's name flashing across the screen.


"hey, pack a bag."


"you and athena need to come stay with me for awhile."

"wait, huh? katsuki, what is going on?"

"i need you to just trust me and pack your shit, i'll explain everything else later. i'm on my way." he hangs up without another word, making you look at your phone in confusion before heading to your closet to grab your suitcase.

when you'd fled your home country, you were in quite the rush, so it didn't take you long to pack everything you'd need. you put some essentials in a backpack for athena, giving her a few scratches behind the ear.

your doorbell rings, making her perk up and you set down the backpack.

"you got everything you need?"

"slow down, tell me what's going on."

he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose between two of his fingers.

"i think someone is after you."

you can feel the color drain from your face, a cold sweat incasing your body.


"after the explosion at the bookstore, some bitch in this weird bodysuit told me to "keep her angel safe" and said she'd come to visit again. and you freaked the hell out when i accidentally called you that."

your fists clench, knuckles tingling.

there's no fucking way
she came all the way here, just for me?!

"i talked to all might and the police, we're gonna-"

"you did what?!"

"i talked to them, so they can help me protect you."

"no. no no no, katsuki you need to stay away from me."

"what the fuck are you saying?"

"the police, heroes, it doesn't matter who you bring in, it's not gonna work."

"you don't know that, (y/n), they've already been keeping an eye on her."

"oh my fucking god, and you didn't think to say anything to me?!"

"i have this handled! i just need you to come stay with me so i can protect you more often-"

"no, you don't. she is sadistic, and insanely smart, and coldhearted. she'll come after you and the entire police department just for being in her way of me."

"i understand she did some shit to you, but that bitch doesn't scare me. i'm not budging on this."

"she should scare you! she will stop at nothing to get what she wants and has no problem traumatizing little girls to no end to make them 'perfect' for her, you don't find that scary?!"

"what did she do to you? i don't doubt that she did something, but what kind of shit has she gotten away with that's made you this afraid of her?"

"i can use guns, katanas, throwing knives, batons, nunchucks, pretty much any weapon under the sun. i know the easiest ways to break every bone in the human body, how to kill someone within a second, any hand to hand combat skill you can possibly think of. when i was thirteen, and i became a 'woman'? i had to get fucking sterilized, to make sure nothing got in the way of the missions she sent us on. and i'm one of at least two-hundred. she started 'training' me when i was nine."

"i'm gonna fucking kill her."

"no. i'm gonna leave the country, get a new id, and you are gonna act like we never met."

he feels himself tense, patience running out.

"why, so you can walk on eggshells again until she pops up there too?! stop being so damn stubborn!"

"i can't lose you too katsuki!" you throw your arms out in frustration, your hand knocking into a framed picture of you and your parents and breaking the glass.

you feel tears threatening to spill over as you kneel down to pick up the picture, cutting your hand on a piece of glass from the frame.

"(y/n)." he kneels to your level, picking up the frame and handing it to you.

"i can't lose you too." your voice is quieter this time, voice cracking as you look anywhere but him.

he takes the pieces of the frame from your hands, setting them on your kitchen counter and gently grabbing your wrist.

"cmon, let's get that cleaned up."

he lifts you onto your bathroom sink, opening a cabinet to find first aid supplies.

he hesitates before putting the alcohol-soaked pad onto your knuckles, watching as your cold expression doesn't falter.

he wordlessly cleans the cuts on your hand, bandaging them and gently kissing the back of your palm.

"you're not gonna lose me."

your eyes snap to him, your eyes watering all over again.

you pull him against you, burying your face against him as sobs shake your body. he's surprised at first, but quickly returns the gesture, hoping he can make you feel as safe and secure as possible.

"i-i need you to promise me something."

"why do i feel like you're gonna ask me for something stupid?"

"if capturing me or killing me means you'll be closer to taking her down, you let her. if you fight back, she'll kill you too and anyone else who gets in the way."

"anddd there it is."

"katsuki, please, i-"


"you can't let all those little girls get tortured anymore just to save me."

"i'll figure something out if i have to. but i'm not letting her take you from me."

"she's here for me. she's gonna do whatever it takes. if you want to beat her, you have to be willing to do the same thing." you gently cup the side of his face with your non-injured hand, feeling his jaw clench.

"i... fuck, (y/n)."

"promise me."

he sighs, crossing his fingers behind his back and meeting your eyes.

"i promise."

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