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"are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

"and what, sit around in your office and read your romance mangas all day?"

"i don't keep them in my office!"

"kidding. but really, i'll be okay. i'll text you and keep you updated."

"if you hesitate at all i'm gonna blow you up, you better stay safe."

"thanks for the concern, kugo." you giggle, handing him a to-go cup of coffee before he heads for the door.

"you take care of your mama, you hear me? if anything happens come find me." he kneels down to pet athena, allowing her to lick his hand affectionately followed by a nod.

he insisted on stopping by your house the morning after you went home from the hospital, offering for you to come to work with him to make sure you were safe. while you didn't take him up on the offer, you planned on texting him periodically throughout the day to keep him in the loop.

you still were a little shaken by the last days events, noticing that more young women had gone missing all over tokyo. this only furthered your suspicions, but you knew you had to plan your next moves carefully to keep yourself out of harm's way.

you spend your day cleaning around the house, complete with music blasting from a speaker and athena howling along with you.

"how's (l/n) doing?"

"she's good. she's back home, and the store starts getting rebuilt today."

izuku and kirishima give each other a knowing smirk, noticing how calmly bakugou spoke about you.

"bakugou, why haven't you asked (l/n) to be your girlfriend?"

"huh?! why the hell do you care, you bastard?!"

"you just seem like you're really infatuated with her. i was just wondering."

izuku grinned at his boyfriend's question, knowing he was enjoying teasing bakugou just as much as him and eijiro.

the four head into the agency conference room, joining a group of other heroes and some investigators to make progress on the multitude of missing persons reports.

"thank you for joining us everyone." toshinori rose from his chair at the head of the table, cane in his left hand.

"in recent months, twenty-six young women have gone missing all over tokyo, ranging from the ages of ten to sixteen. what's more, the parents and guardians of these victims have also been either found dead, or gone missing as well."

bakugou's eyes widen listening, amazed that a case has been this far gone without any progress.

the result is changing some patrol routes, and sending a few pros undercover in shifts to see if there's any other information to be uncovered.

he can't help but worry about you hearing about it. you were a little older than the girls being taken, but that didn't rule out the possibility of you being a target.

he sighs as he walks back up to his office, raking his hands through his hair.

"looks like you're having a long day."

he gasps as he sees you standing in front of his desk, box of takeout in hand.

"i thought i'd bring you lunch, the secretary downstairs let me in."

he rushes up to you and wraps you in a hug, thankful you weren't at the agency because you were in danger. the gesture throws you off, but you happily reciprocate, gently running your nails over his shoulders.

"you okay?"

"i'm just glad you're safe."

he pulls up a chair next to his at his desk, allowing you two to sit side by side to eat.

"hey kacchan, i- oh, hi! you must be (l/n)!"

bakugou glares at izuku, knowing his friend would probably do something to try to embarrass him.

"i am, it's nice to meet you...?"

"izuku. it's nice to meet you too, we've all heard so much about you!"

"all good things, i hope."

"of course! kacchan always has nothing but good things to tell us about you."

"deku, i swear to god-" he cuts off his sentence noticing you slightly flinch at the increase in volume of his voice. izuku notices this as well, stifling a laugh.

"well, i just came to drop off some reports that need to be signed. see you guys later!" he waves as he exits the office, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at his friend, making him roll his eyes and put up his middle finger before the door closed.

"your friend seems nice."

"he's the biggest pain in the ass i've ever met." this remark brings laughter from both of you, you shamelessly admiring the smile filling his face and his eyes crinkling closed.

"actually, speaking of my friends, question for you."


if he tries to set me up with one of his friends i'm gonna throw myself out of that window

"two of my friends are getting married next weekend, would you be my date to the wedding?"

the question nearly makes your head spin, hearing the word "date" flooring you more than anything else. you nod enthusiastically, making him chuckle.

"yea? i don't know what color i'm wearing yet, but i'll text you and let you know."

he couldn't wipe the grin off of his face watching your enthusiasm at the outing, knowing there was a blush on his face.

he had a few crushes before, but he was almost certain he was falling head over heels for you.

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