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"welcome back, angel."

your vision is hazy, groaning as you feel an aching in your shoulders. you blink slowly a few times, the obnoxiously bright lights in the room feeling like they're blinding you.

you prayed you were just having a bad dream, another flashback, anything. you couldn't wrap your head around the fact that she might have gotten to you again.

"still a little sleepy huh? we'll get you woken up, don't worry." you feel those same ice-cold fingers caress your cheek, making you shrink away on instinct.

you can finally see clearly, the sight of none other than arisa sano in your face making you let out a scream.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" you glare at her, the smug look on her face making you wish you could wring her neck.

"saving my little runaway, of course. and it was about time we expanded to some other countries too."

"what'd you do to him?" you realize bakugou is nowhere in the room where you're being held, making you nauseous at what condition he could be in if she'd taken him too.

"your little bodyguard? don't worry, i'll find a place for him soon enough. and everyone else that's tried to keep you from me."

"don't you dare fucking touch him."

"and what if i do? you know there's nothing you can do about it."

"as long as i'm alive, i'll find a way to keep you away from him, you psychotic bitch. i promise you that."

"be careful what you wish for. i came here to bring you back into our family, but you know what happens if you cross me."

you strain against the metal restraints on your wrists, hoping to get some kind of attack on her.

"relax, angel. all in due time." you groan as her quirk sets in, forcing you to hold still. she exits the room, leaving you hanging from the wall by your wrists.

you lean your head against the wall behind you, tears of frustration streaming down your cheeks.

surprisingly enough, the only thing on your mind is katsuki. you could only hope he wasn't anywhere near where you were.

"we need to go, now."

"and go where? we can't just run into the city blindly, we need to have a solid lead on where she is."

bakugou groaned in frustration, lacing his hands into his hair.

"you don't have any idea where she could be?"

"don't you think if i did i would've fucking said it already?!"

"dude, you need to calm down. we're on your side, butting heads isn't gonna help anything."

he presses his palms against his closed eyes, forcing angry tears back into his waterline.

"cherry blossoms!" his head shoots up, looking at kirishima and izuku wide-eyed.


"t-that girl we talked to in the hospital, she said she saw cherry blossoms when she got out." he frantically grabs his laptop, fingers stumbling over the keys in an effort to search for the building near the cherry blossoms.

after some hours, they narrow it down to three possible locations where you could be being held. now, many of their friends and former classmates sat in the agency, suited up and ready to begin the first raid.

rogue - k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now