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you look at your dress in the mirror, hoping it would be fitting for the wedding.

"it's not too much, is it?"

athena tilts her head at you, looking like she's on the edge of saying something.

god i need some friends

athena barking makes you inhale sharply, knowing bakugou had arrived.

"holy shit." his eyes widen as you open the door, amazed at how great you look in formal attire.

"hi, bakugou."

"you look fucking amazing."

"you should say that to a mirror, not to me." you grin as you grab your clutch, taking him by the arm as you two walk towards his car.

"is it like a big event?"

"i don't think so, pink cheeks and the vampire have never been much for the dramatics."

"when am i cool enough to be a part of the appearance-based nickname club?"

"you're way too cool to be a part of that club."

the two of you arrive at a swanky hotel in the city, the ceremony and reception to be held on the roof.

"all the invitees get rooms here for after the reception, you can stay with me if you want."

"oh, w-well i don't have pajamas or any toiletries or anything." your heart begins to do flips at the idea of spending the night in a hotel room with him.

"you think i would've offered if i didn't have that stuff for you?" he gestures to two duffel bags in his backseat, one presumably for the each of you.

"obviously you don't have to, but if you want to i'm not gonna stop you."

you shyly smile, nodding as he opens his door and walks around to the passenger's side

spending a night with bakugou?
you idiot why are you hesitating ??

the elevator carries you two to the roof level, tension thick in the elevator car. you steal glances at bakugou, admiring the chain glinting around his neck and a few earrings adorning various spots in his ears.

it's taking all his willpower not to pin you against the wall of the elevator and press the emergency brake so he can kiss you for as long as he wants, the perfect fit of your dress driving him insane.

"katsuki! and you must be (l/n), it's so nice to finally meet you!" a woman with glowing pink skin and fluffy curls rushes over to the two of you, surprising you by wrapping you in a tight hug.

"this is raccoon eyes."

"boy, shut the hell up. i'm mina, and you are so pretty!"

"thank you, you too."

"suki, you better be good to her! she's hot as fuck, i might snatch her up if you don't." she gives you a wink, making your eyes widen.

"yea, i'd like to see you try." she playfully sticks her tongue out as she bustles off to say hi to more guests, you sticking close to bakugou.

that's such a pretty name
he's so pretty

you two find your seats, the venue decorated with lush greenery and touches of pink flowers.

the ceremony goes relatively quickly, and within an hour the guests are filing into the cocktail hour space.

you find yourself subconsciously scooting closer to bakugou, the large number of unfamiliar people flustering you a bit.

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