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"good morning bakugou."

"good morning, (l/n)."

you grin as the tall blonde enters your store, still sporting a hat but mask nowhere to be found.

he gulps as he looks you up and down, your choice in shirt that day doing great things for your body.

"no patrol today?"

"no, every hero gets one weekend a month off. HR stuff, you know?"

"nice that they give you guys a rest from all the shit you have to deal with."

"it has its perks, yea."

"anything i can help you with?"

"yea, actually. i have a question for you."

you nod, encouraging him to keep talking.

"can i take you to dinner tonight?"

your eyes widen, analyzing his face to see if there's any humor or hesitation in his question.

his nerves spike at your lack of an answer, rocking on his heels.

"don't feel like you have to say yes, i just-"

"i'd love to." you can't help but let out a smile, your cool exterior faltering.

his face lights up, making him immediately try to normalize his expression.

"okay. if you're okay with it, i can pick you up later?"

"okay. i'll see you then." you nod, feeling heat rise in your face.

you inhale deeply as you enter your home at the end of your workday, giddy over the idea of going on a date with bakugou.


was it a date? he just asked to take you to dinner.

friends go to dinner though. and friends of the opposite sex go to dinner all the time, it's not a big deal.

so, why did the idea of dinner not being a date sadden you?

you look down at your outfit, hoping you weren't too casual or overdressed. you clip on your locket, each side holding a picture of your parents in the heart shaped pendant.

you look down to see bakugou's text to let you know he'd arrived, making you let out a nervous squeal.

"how do i look?"

your dog closes her eyes as she nods, making you reach over to rub her head.

two years ago, you'd found the blue-nosed pit bull puppy wandering outside your store, hungry and alone. her previous owners had clipped her ears and seemed to have abused her a great deal, so you took her in. it took some work to get her to trust you, but now she was your best friend.

your doorbell rings, making her perk up and trot towards the door.

"oh shit." you whisper, running your hands down the front of your outfit and heading to your front door.

you take a deep breath before you open the door, your dog immediately moving to sniff bakugou's legs.

"hey!" his face breaks into a grin, kneeling to her level and laughing as she wiggles her whole body with joy.

you smile warmly, happy he was receptive to your dog, not afraid of her or rude about her breed.

"your dog is awesome."

"she really likes you."

"what's her name?"

"athena." he nods, petting her one more time before standing again.

you force your eyes away from him, unable to process how good he looked outside of his usual casual clothes.

"you look really nice." he grins, shamelessly looking you up and down

"not so bad yourself." your lips curl up into a smirk, making his heart drop

"ready?" you nod, grinning as he offers you his arm. you look back at athena as you wrap your hand around his upper arm, the muscle of his bicep flustering you. her tail wags, nodding as you both exit the house.

the cool night air breezes over both of you, making you subtly inch closer to him.


observant motherfucker.

"it's just the wind."

he nods, digging a set it keys from his pocket. you see the lights of a black sports car as he presses unlock, reaching for the door handle.

"don't touch that door." your eyes follow him as he reaches around from behind you and opens the door, gesturing for you to sit.

he closes the door, walking around to the drivers side and settling in next to you.

"is italian okay with you?"

"it's actually my favorite."

fuck yea. look at me go

he internally pats himself on the back, putting the car in reverse and putting a hand on the back of the headpiece of your seat, watching intently as he backs the car out of your driveway.

you look aimlessly out the window, knowing if you look over at him you'll immediately get flustered all over again.

"your house is cute."

"oh, thank you. it's my parents old place."

"they get a bigger place and leave that one to you or something?"

"not exactly."

he raises a brow, looking across the car at you as he stops at a red light.

"they passed when i was a kid." your hand instinctively moves up to your necklace, fiddling with the pendant.

"shit, i'm sorry (l/n). i didn't mean to pry."

"no no, it's okay. really, don't feel bad."

you two sit in silence for a minute, you fiddling with your fingers.

"how, um, how long have you been a hero?"

"fresh outta high school. i did my work study under endeavor before he lost his hero license, and kirishima and i started our agency two years ago, after graduation."

"you must've done really well in high school to jump into being a pro so quickly."

"i meeean." he shrugs, giving you a confident smirk and making you playfully roll your eyes.

you two arrive at the restaurant, him insisting on opening the door for you on his car and the entrance to the building.

"reservation for bakugou."

"right this way."

rogue - k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now