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buckle up.


you were losing track of the days.

the room you were being held in didn't have any windows, no clocks, nothing that would help you keep track of time. there was one door that locked from the outside, and even when that was opened, you weren't able to see out of a window or anything of the sort.

arisa was torturing you more than ever before, 'punishing' you for escaping her. you weren't allowed to leave the room you were in, which was different than what she'd done before.

being near her was making your flashbacks appear more frequently, and you were beginning to struggle to figure out what was a memory and what was real time.

and katsuki. god, you couldn't stop thinking about him. you were glad he wasn't here, because you knew arisa would kill him given the chance. but, what you wouldn't give to see him, kiss him, sleep next to him, just be near him again.

but anywhere was safer than here. and that was something you were thankful for.

"is everyone clear on the plan?"

murmurs of agreement come from all areas of the room, making izuku nod with satisfaction.

"and we aren't gonna have any last minute changes this time around, right?" he gives katsuki a look, making the blond roll his eyes as he raises his middle finger to izuku.

jirou, hagakure, momo, and iida would be in charge of surveillance and finding a way in. kirishima, tetsutetsu, ojiro, sato, ururaka, kendo, and sero would be the combat strength to keep the anticipated security busy. izuku, denki, mina, shinso, and katsuki would be responsible for getting to sano, detaining her, and getting you out of the building. police forces would be standing by for backup and to help get the rest of the girls being held there to a safe, secure location.

he stares at the photo of you on his lockscreen as izuku drives the van towards the building, inhaling deeply.

whatever it takes.

shortly, they arrive at a building that looked almost like a prison, windows scarcely placed and brick wall surrounding the area.

the surveillance team exits first, staying on the outskirts of the brick wall to find the best way in. momo finds a security pad at a gate, quickly producing a universal key to shut the system down.

you perk up as you hear a strange humming noise make it's way through the building, almost like something was being shut off. you were in the middle of a forced hand-to-hand combat session, one of arisa's security lackeys pinned beneath you.

"is that company i hear?"

oh no

the group makes their way into the yard surrounding the building, jirou stepping close to listen in.

"4 guards on the first floor, 6 on the second, and i think the third is where most of the kids are right now. i think they suspect us. there's more coming but i can't tell how many."

after a quick discussion, it's decided that kirishima, tetsutetsu, iida, sato, katsuki, and izuku will combine their powers to act as a battering ram, with momo on standby to produce an actual battering ram if they aren't able to get through.

"and... now!"

they're able to break through the wall on their first try, immediately rushing inside and trading blows with the security on the first floor.

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