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"can you hear me?"

you watch hopefully as he grins, nodding. he sweeps you up into a hug, both of you crying with joy.

you'd both been released from the hospital and would testify in arisa's trial later in the day.

and, you'd just helped bakugou put in his new hearing aids. his thought process was correct, and because he couldn't hear anything arisa tried to say, she was unable to control him. denki woke shortly after bakugou set off the explosions, and the two of them were able to detain her, get her in quirk-erasing cuffs, and send her off to be held in a high-security jail until her trial.

katsuki's plan was a success, but he'd lost a significant portion of his hearing. he'd have to wear the hearing aids the rest of his life, and pulling another stunt like that would leave him completely deaf. but, he couldn't have cared less. he brought you home, and you weren't in danger anymore. he'd wear all the hearing aids in the world in exchange for that.

you'd come away with four broken ribs, lots of bruising, and dehydration. thanks to a nurse with a healing quirk and lots of IV fluids, you were feeling almost completely normal again.

"you look so pretty." he gently pulled you against him by your hips, kissing your cheek as you put your earrings in.

you can't wipe the smile off your face, almost unable to believe that this is real. you turn, bringing your hands to his collar to fix his tie. he can't take his eyes off of you, still over the moon that he finally has you back.

"are you ready for today?"

"as ready as i'll ever be, i guess."

even with arisa in police custody, guaranteed a pretty major sentence, the idea of testifying today scared the hell out of you. she had you conditioned to be afraid of her if you were defiant, and you were sure that would take awhile to go away.

"you're gonna do great. and nobody's gonna hurt you, i'll make sure of that."

"don't go throwing yourself into battle again, we just got released from the hospital."

the doorbell ringing makes both of you look toward the front of the house, athena running to the front door and barking.

you follow bakugou to the door, revealing mina, kirishima, and kaminari on the other side, with flowers and a fruit arrangement in hand.

after they make it into the door, you pull all of them into a hug, surprising everyone.

"thank you guys. so much."

to say the group was surprised would be an understatement. you usually very cool and collected, and didn't seem to like being touched unless it was katsuki. they'd never seen you show that much emotion.

"aw babe! you're family, you know we had to come help you!" mina gushes, playfully pinching your cheek.


you look around, smiling as kirishima hugs katsuki, trying not to cry at the sight of his best friend home safe and sound.

yea. this is my family.

you watch wide eyed from your seat as arisa is brought into the courtroom by security guards, almost unrecognizable. she normally had such an intimidating, untouchable look about her. but now, her hair was disheveled, usual perfect makeup gone, and there were numerous bruises and scabs on the visible parts of her skin. you could only hope that the other inmates had heard what she was on trial for and had their way with her.

rogue - k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now