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"anyone that gets in my way of making you better, making you my perfect angel, will have to suffer the consequences. you're too special to let go."

you wake up to a bakugou-less bed, looking around the room.

athena nudges her nose against your hand, making you smile softly.

"where'd he go?"

athena nods towards the door, slightly tilting her head.

your face furrows as you hear something coming from the kitchen, pulling the covers off of you to investigate.

"she sits all alone, waiting for suggestions, he's so nervous, avoiding all the questions."

as you make your way down the hallway, you pause in the doorway, grinning at the sight in front of you.

katsuki is standing at the stove, donning nothing but a pair of sweatpants, his hair sticking in every direction and singing his heart out as he tends to a few pans of food in front of him.

as he turns to open the fridge, he catches you in the corner of his eye, smiling and beckoning you over to him.

you step into the kitchen, watching him goofily dance up to you and drape his arms over your shoulders, swaying you both to you song.

"don't you just know exactly what they're thinking? if you want my body, and you think i'm sexy, cmon sugar, tell me so."

you two's concert carrie's on through the song, bakugou using a spatula as a microphone and serenading you.

you both take a seat at the stools at the island on his kitchen, grinning as he sets a plate of food in front of you.

"thank you." you pull him in for a quick kiss, laughing as he attempts to bite your bottom lip.


"what if i wanna have you for breakfast instead?"

your face instantly heats up, making him smirk as he takes a bite of his food.

"athena! c'mere baby."

he drops a few pieces of bacon on the ground next to him, petting her as she trots over.

you two had been staying at his house for about a month, and you couldn't have been enjoying it more. thankfully, no more incidents had occurred to make anyone fear for your safety, so you, katsuki, and athena had been able to enjoy the family like dynamic built over the last few weeks.

he furrows his eyebrows as a call comes in from mina, putting his phone up to his ears.


his eyes widen, making you nervous as you can't hear anything she's saying.

"today? okay. yea, yea we can come. okay cool, thanks."

"what was that about?"

"mina rescued someone that might have escaped the same woman who hurt you. they're at the hospital right now. if you're okay with it, they gave us permission to go see her, so you can talk to her and see if it's the same person."


"you don't have to, and i'll be with you the whole time if you do go."

"no, i'll go. if it is her i wanna do whatever i can to take her down."

within about two hours, you're both showered, dressed, and ready to head to the hospital. the ride there is painfully silent, but neither of you want to acknowledge the dilemma in front of you more than you have to.

rogue - k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now