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you're barely in the doorway of the hotel room when bakugou's hands are all over you, kicking the door closed behind him.

you toy with the buttons on his shirt, eventually getting a few of them undone. he pulls up the back of your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist and setting you on the bathroom sink, lips never leaving yours.

he reaches for the back of your dress, hastily pulling the zipper down and letting his hands explore the newly exposed skin.

he pulls away for a moment, keeping his hands in place and staring at you breathlessly.

"is this okay with you?" you nod, admiring the redness tinting his face and the lustful look in his eyes.

"no, (l/n), i need to hear you say it."

"yes, bakugou, it's o-"


"yes, katsuki, it's more than okay." he grins as he leans in to kiss you again, walking you over to the bed and hovering above you, dropping your dress in the process.

"(l/n), you are s-"

"(y/n)." he grins, noticing your imitation of his actions as his eyes darken.

"(y/n), you are a god damn angel."

your eyes widen at the nickname, trying your best to keep your nerves under wraps.

you barely feel him peppering your neck with kisses, your head spinning.

"fire the gun, angel."
"only the strongest angels survive here."
"you're one of my angels now, which means you're gonna do whatever i say."

he stops as he notices your breath quickening, you not responding to a question.

"(y/n)? hey, look at me."

because he's had his fair share of them, he can easily recognize the beginning of a panic attack. he instantly sits up, gently holding you by your shoulders in an effort to get you to look him in the eye.

"keep my angel safe for me, will you?"

his eyes widen as the woman from the bomb scene flashes into his mind, internally slapping himself for accidentally using the same term of endearment.

"p-please, no." your voice is barely above a whisper, your mind not even inside the hotel room anymore.

you blink slowly, hearing a voice calling your name almost like it's submerged in water. bakugou's face comes into your vision, one of his hands gently holding your face.

"hey. come back to earth, that's all in your head." you nod, eyes wide with fear.

"wherever you just were, it can't hurt you. it's just you and me right now, i'm not gonna let anything happen to you." you desperately hold onto the wrist of the hand holding your face, terrified of the things running through your mind. bakugou feels his heart break for you, the look of pure terror on your face so far from your normal demeanor.

"(y/n), you gotta breathe baby. do a couple deep breaths with me." he goes through them slowly, finally allowing the flashbacks in your mind to cease, the only noise the air conditioner in the room running quietly.

"you back?"

"i-i think so. fuck, that was embarrassing."

he rolls his eyes, both of you lightly laughing and easing the mood a little.

"guess i gotta find a better nickname for you huh?"

"yea, if you call me that again i might strangle you."

you lay your head in his lap, sighing contentedly as he gently laces a hand into your scalp without missing a beat.

"i won't pry but, i just hope you know if i ever get my hands on whoever hurt you, i'll blow them to smithereens."

"a murder threat? how romantic."

"only the finest for you." he shoots you a playful wink, making you smile up at him with a blush filling your cheeks.

you two sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes, before you get up to go shower and put on the pajamas bakugou had packed for you.

he waits until he hears the shower begin to run for about a minute before pulling out his phone, sending a text to izuku.

today, 1:26 am

call your dad tomorrow
need a meeting asap

everything okay ??

it will be after i figure out who's fucking with my girl

you inhale deeply as you place both hands on either side of the sink, trying to cease the last residual nerves from your outburst earlier.

she won't get to me again
i came across the world to get away from her, there's no way she'd come all the way here for one girl

bakugou gulps as you exit the bathroom, donning nothing but a towel wrapped around your body as you reach in the duffel bag for something to detangle your hair with.

you glance at him in the mirror, flustered at the sight of his button down gone and his toned upper body on full display.

as he stands from the bed to go use the shower, he gives your behind a firm slap, making you jump and shoot him a look.

"come in here with me."

"katsuki, i just showered."


he smiles greedily as you drop your towel, pulling you into a kiss as he turns the water back on.

as you snore peacefully, using bakugou's chest as a pillow, he keeps an arm around you as he stares up at the ceiling.

in that moment, he decided he'd protect you from whatever was going on, even if it was the last thing he ever did.

rogue - k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now