Chapter 21

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar items. I didn’t know what was going on until the memories from the night before washed over me and I fell back on the bed with a groan.

I turned my head to look at the clock and saw that it was 9:30. Ugh. I rolled out of bed and trudged over to the window.

We were staying in the penthouse, of course, so I could see all of Times Square from my window. I could already see people lining up in the streets for the New Year’s Eve annual celebration later tonight.

I went into the bathroom to take a shower since I had been too tired to the night before. When I got out and went back into the room, I found clothes lying on the bed that I assumed Mila had laid out for me.

Black skinny jeans, a long-sleeved red shirt, a beige infinity scarf and matching beige heels.

I walked out into the living room to find Tyler sitting out the couch, watching T.V, “Finally, you’re up. I thought you died.” He said.

I rolled my eyes as I sat down next to him, “Where is everybody?” I asked.

“They’re out. Doing stuff for the campaign and boring things.” He said.

I nodded, “What are you watching?” I asked.

“The news. They’re talking about the party last night. They mentioned us a few times.” He said.

I made a face, “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” I said.

“Ha! They did this story about an hour ago on a different channel. Listen to this.” He said, pointing to the screen.

I looked to see a picture of Tyler and I on the balcony last night as the reporter started talking, “Tyler Munson was seen last night at a party for his father’s presidential campaign. He’s been out of the spotlight for the last two years when he went away to a secret boarding school. When he did show his face on the streets of Time’s Square two days ago, he was holding hands with a mysterious face. 14 year old Lexi Connolly was his guest last night. Born in Boston, and raised in an orphanage, she met Tyler a month ago when she was adopted by a close family friend of the Munson’s. Reportedly, they hit it off right away and have been a couple for about a week.” The reporter said and I rolled my eyes, amazed that they were buying this cover story.

“You can see them again in two days at another campaign party in Orlando, Florida.” The reporter said before they switched to a different story.

“Oh my god. People actually watch this stuff?” I asked, amazed.

Tyler nodded, “Yeah. We’re young faces and something fresh for people to watch instead of old guys arguing about what’s best for the country. Even though that’s what the people are supposed to be interested in, they’re not. So they want us to get attention and votes so my dad can win.” He said.

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