Chapter 18

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Neither of us could really tell where they had brought us. The time in that box went by surprisingly quick, considering the circumstances.

Tyler and I didn't speak to each other, only one sentence that Tyler said a couple of minutes after we had been in that box, "I can't believe that this happened."

When we had arrived to wherever they were going to be keeping us, the dumped us out of the box and I looked around to seee that we were in a room similar to the one Jacob and I had been kept in. Great. As soon as I get out of one room, I get thrown into another one just like it. It looked like a cycle was beginning. 

As soon as they threw us out of the box-cart, without a single word or glance, they wheeled it out of the room and closed the door behind them, locking us in.

Once the door was shut I collapsed onto one of the small and uncomfortable prison beds, closing my eyes, trying to form a plan in my head. 

But I knew it was no use, there was no getting out of this one. But I needed to try. I didn't want this to become my life, just letting people throw me around whenever they felt like it. It wasn't right and it wasn't fair to me.

As I was thinking, Tyler climbed onto the other bed and decided that then would be a good time to break my concentration and speak up, "I'm going to get us out of here. I promise." Was what he said.

"And why should I believe you?" I asked, not bothering to open my eyes.

"Because," I could hear the springs in the mattress squeak as he sat up, "I don't break my promises." He said as I sat up and opened my eyes to look at him.

"I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time believing you." I said, refusing to back down from his steely gaze.

"And why is that?" He asked, setting his jaw as if he was getting ready for a fight.

I laughed loudly in one, short burst, "You really need to ask that? Okay, let's see. First, you mkake fun of me infront of your friends, Second, you chase me and my friend down the street and threaten to hurt me. There was one other thing, what was it? Oh yeah, you interrogated me!" I exclaimed, counting them off on my fingers.

"Okay, I may have embarrased you but you made me look like a whoos infront of all my friends. Also, I chased you and your friend because you were escaping! I couldn't just let you go. And I interrogated you because I had to!" He said defensively.

"It was self defense! What did you expect me to do? I was caged in . And yeah, maybe I did run away, but you still didn't have to threaten me!" I exclaimed, pulling my knees to my chest. 

He sighed, "You're right, I didn't have to threaten you and I'm sorry for that. But I will get us out of here. Can you think of anything that might help?" He asked hopefully.

"Well, my plan is to just do what they ask us to." I said with a shrug.

he stared at me, wide-eyed, "That's your brilliant plan? Listen to what they say?" He asked me, dumbfounded.

"Yeah, they must want us for something if they went to all that trouble to get us. So if we do what they ask then they'll probably let us go." I said simply and he nodded.

As he was nodding, the door burst open and a man walked through, "Okay kids, follow me." Was all he said before walking out of the room again.

Tyler and I looked at each other before shrugging and following the man. It's not like we had anything to lose. well, except for our lives but whatever.

He led us through unknown hallways and past curious-looking rooms until we stopped at an elevator and stepped inside.

There was silence as we shot up through the floors, Tyler and I both woondering what was coming next.

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