Chapter 13

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I woke up to a room full of people talking. I was in a square room filled with people. That was when the events of the day came flooding back to me in a wave of emotions. Attack on the apartment, hacked into the Fire department records, glowing green jackets, Olivia’s house, they break in, and next thing I know I’m here.

“Hey, she’s awake.” Someone said. It was a man, or a boy, rather. He could only have been two years older than me. He had blond hair and blue eyes that were hard to look away from. He was the closest to me.

“Go get Perscilla, tell her it’s time. Notify as few people as possible.” A man said stepping forward, his gray hair glowing silver from the light.

He knelt down in front of me and cupped my face with his hand, looking into my eyes, “You look just like your mother.” He whispered.

I jerked away and scrambled to my feet, backing into a corner of the room, “You know my mother?” I asked quietly.

He smiled, “Yes, very well.” He said stepping forward. I pressed myself to the wall, wishing that I could be like a ghost and just disappear through it, away from everything.

“You don’t need to be afraid of me. I’m a friend.” He said, cautiously.

“Don’t talk to me like I’m five.” I snapped, anger replacing my fear.

This man, a man I had never met, was talking about my mother, comparing me to her. My mother, a woman who didn’t want me and gave me up. Honestly, I didn’t think he had a right to do that with me in the room.

“Yes, I know you mother and I will tell you about her. But that is a conversation for later. Right now you need thing explained and that is our top priority.” He said. I didn’t say anything, I just looked at him, determined to keep my face emotionless.

“Everybody out. Tristen you can stay. And I swear if any of you tell a single soul about this there will be severe consequences. The man said. Everybody left except for the blond haired boy who had seen me wake up.

“Why does he get to stay?” I asked as the last person filtered out of the room.

“It will all make sense in due time.” The man said with a slight smile.

“No! Enough with all of this, ‘in due time’ crap. I want answers now!” I demanded, glaring at both of them. Both of them took a couple of steps back. I don’t know if it was just me or not but they looked, scared.

“And you will get answers, in du- soon,” He said correcting himself before I went insane, “but you need to wait for Perscilla to get here. She’s the one with the answers. In the meantime, let me introduce myself, I’m Michael.” The man said.

“And I’m Tristen.” The boy said, flashing a smile that would most likely cause most girls to worship him. But I’m not like normal girls.

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