Chapter 23

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"You know what we need to do, right?" Tyler asked me for the millionth time that morning.

"Yes. For Gods' sake I know what to do. Will you at least try to believe in me?" I asked as we stepped off the bus that had brought us to the factory we were supposed to break into.

Twice a year, the factory did these weeklong tours to students. We were sneaking in as two of those random students that they don't have a list of names for. We would get a tour of the entire factory. Which was very good for us, considering that we would most likely end up getting chased by guards if we actually went through with the plan that Tyler had come up with.

"Just play it cool." He whispered to me as we approached the doors that led into the factory.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically and he just rolled his eyes, not saying anything.The line went into single file as we got closer to the entrance as the other students and teacher chaperones. Crap.

"Name?" The guard asked me when we reached him.

"Uh, Sally." I said, telling him the first name that popped into my head.

"And you?" Then guard asked, turning to Tyler.

"Um... Edwardo." He said slowly as I shot him a look.

"What school are you two from?" He asked, furrowing his brow.

"North End High School in Boston." I answered quickly before Tyler could say anything.

"Where's you chaperone?" He asked suspiciously.

"She um, she-" Tyler was stuttering like crazy.

"She sick on the plane. It won't go away. Probably something she ate on the plane. She told us to go without her and just stay close to another group. She didn't want us to miss anything." I said, covering up Tyler's mistake.

The guard seemed to buy it because he nodded, "Alright. Enjoy the tour." He said before gesturing for us to continue walking through the door.

Once we walked through the door and safely inside I turned and smacked Tyler on the arm, "What was that? You almost blew it for us!" I exclaimed at him.

"I'm sorry! I panicked. I've never been on a mission this important before!" He said.

"Well neither have I! That doesn't change anything." I said.

"Yeah but missions like these are in your blood. You parents are the best agents the Facility's ever had." He said.

"I don't care. Just because they were good doesn't mean I am." I said, getting angry that Tyler knew more about my parents than I did.

"From what I've seen so far, you're taking after them." He said quietly.

"Whatever. Let's get back to what we came here for." I said turning around to catch up with the tour group which had begun walking away.

So for the next week we followed the tour group, paying close attention to every detail. Where each room was, what was in the room, and what everything in that room did. We went by the names of Sally and Edwardo, which I was sure we would laugh about one day.

After the seven days of the tour, we were sitting in our hotel room, trying to figure out a plan on how to get the virus out of the factory. We had decided that Tyler's plan of just breaking into the security room during one of the tours wasn't the best idea.

"Can't you just use your mind control thingy?" Tyler asked and I just shook my head.

"It doesn't work that way. I can't make people do things. I just make them see what I want them to see." I said with a sigh.


"Hey! Language!" I exclaimed and he chuckled, holding his hands up in surrender.

"It's too bad they don't have it just on a computer program so we could get someone to wipe the hard drive." Tyler said, flopping down on the bed next to me.

Just as he laid down, I sat up,

"That's it!" I exclaimed.

"What?" He asked, sitting up as I jumped off the bed and ran to the laptop Tyler had bought while we were on the tour with his dad.

"There's a computer system that activates the phones, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" He asked.

"If they use a computer system for that, then they use a computer system for the production of the phones." I said as I opened the laptop and signed on.

"Okay. And..." He wasn't getting it.

"So if the production of the phones stops, and everything is shut off, then the virus is shut off. It'll buy us some time." I said

"They'll be able to turn it on eventually." He said as I found the factory's mainframe.

"We'll have more time." I said with a shrug.

Tyler smiled, "Now we just need to figure out how to get back into the factory so we can get into their system.

I smiled, looking up at him, "Don't worry. We won't have to."

A/N: Hey guys! It's taken me a while to update so I gave you two chapters :). I'm now on summer break so I will be updating more often now. I'd also like to celebrate m one year anniversary on here! I'm so grateful for all of you guys who read this every time I update, vote for every chapter and comment. Some of you get a little into it in the comments (you know who you are) I know that 5,000 reads isn't a lot to most people, but that's more than I ever expected! So if you would be so kind, share this with your friends. Get the word out about this please? Maybe? Love you all! :) Also if I get a ton of votes and comments, I just might update again tomorrow. (HINT HINT)

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