Chapter 12

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I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t breathe. But I also couldn’t cry. I knew I should’ve been crying. Even Lexi was crying. But the tears wouldn’t come. I just sat there, stunned and in shock.

I grabbed Lexi’s hand. Just to know that she was there. Just to know that I have someone there. She squeezed my hand to let me know that she was there and paying attention. She closed her laptop and put in her bag all with one hand. She kept wiping at her eyes but couldn’t seem to stop the flow of tears streaming down her face. So she dropped my hand and got up, making her way to the bathroom at the back of the bus.

She came out a couple of minutes later, her eyes slightly red and her face free of makeup. It was a pleasant surprise after everything that had just happened. She sat down next to me and grabbed my hand again. The driver announced that we would be arriving in Boston in 10 minutes.

“I’m so sorry Jacob.” Lexi whispered to me, making eye contact for the first time since she started hacking the Fire Department.

“It’s okay. I’ll get over it.  Besides, you have it worse off than me.” I pointed out, realizing that she would never know if her parents were dead or alive.

“No. No I don’t.” She said shaking her head, “I never even knew my parents. They didn’t want me. But you did. You knew them, you saw them, you loved them. And then they were taken away from you with one spark. Someone sparked a match and ruined your life.” She said. She had tears in her eyes, but I didn’t think they were for me.

“I wouldn’t say it completely ruined my life.” I said quietly, squeezing her hand. She smiled, and rested her head on my shoulder for the rest of the ride.

When the bus stopped we got off and walked into a café to get something to eat.

“Are you going to be okay?” Lexi asked me quietly, only picking at her muffin. She didn’t seem very hungry.

“Yeah. I will be eventually.” I said nodding. She nodded and we sat in silence for the rest of the time. Once we paid for our food we left and began walking down the street.

As we were walking we heard a familiar voice call out our names, “Lexi! Jacob! Wait up!” John yelled as he started running towards us.

“Jacob, he’s wearing one of those jackets.” Lexi said in a panicked voice. She was right, John was wearing one of those green leather jackets that glowed.

“Run.” Was all I said as I grabbed her hand and we bolted down the street, bobbing and weaving through the crowd. I began to think of places we could go and the first thing that popped into my head was the orphanage so that’s where I directed our course.

Lexi caught on and let go of my hand. She seemed to pass me easily as we ran, “Come on!” She exclaimed.

“I’m sorry, I’m not a freak of nature.” I snapped at her as we rounded the corner.

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