Chapter 26

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"Lexi." A voice was calling out to me. I couldn't tell where I was, my head hurt, and I didn't want to open my eyes.

"Lexi, wake up. You have to wake up." The voice said again. I finally managed to open my eyes and was blinded by the light, my head pounding

When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I came face-to-face with Tyler, "Tyler? What are you doing here? What happened?" I asked, my voice sounding dry and crackly.

He just smiled, "I did what you told me to. We tracked you." He said as I felt the cuffs on my ankles break .

"We?" I asked as I looked around the room.

There was four other people in there. Tristen, John, Dayton, and that girl I had seen earlier with Tristen.

"Hey Lex. It's good to see that you're okay." Tristen said with a smile as him and the other three bustled around the room, opening and closing drawers and cabinets hurriedly.

"Where did they put them?" John muttered as he opened and closed the sleek steel cabinets.

"Put what?" I asked groggily. I tried to sit up but my head began spinning.

"Careful Lexi. You lost a lot of blood. We need to get her out of here. The distraction won't last long." He said, turning to others.

"We need to find the blood bags first." Dayton said, standing up from his previous crouching position.

"Blood bags?" I asked as Tyler busted the wrist locks. That's when everything hit me. Dmitri had said that I had something else he wanted. My blood. My blood was where the serum was inside of me. If he had my blood, he had the serum. He was going to try and drain me of my blood. Then he would have the serum.

"I found them!" The girl called out and the other three scrambled over to where she was.

"Come on Lexi. Can you walk? Tyler asked me as he started to move me out of the seat.

I nodded as my legs swung over the side of the chair, "I think so." I said.

My legs hit the ground and I immediately collapsed on the spot. Tyler caught me before I hit the ground and raised me up again, supporting me, "Okay. That's a no." He muttered, earning a smile out of me.

"Tyler there are five bags of blood here. That's enough to kill someone. We're luck she's alive let alone conscious." Tristen said as he zipped up the backpack.

"Just get her out of here. She needs to be safe." Dayton said as they began wiping everything down with wipes, to get rid of the fingerprints.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want her getting hurt. It's not like she's the reason we're all here." The girl said angrily, furiously wiping down the cabinets.

"Dayton, keep your sister in line or I'll make sure she never goes on another mission again." Tristen said. I looked over and saw Dayton's jaw clench.

"That's not my job." He said evenly.

"Okay then. Valerie, keep your mouth shut or you won't leave the Facility for a mission again." John said.

Good. Now I had a name. Just then, everything started spinning and I could feel myself slipping away, "Tyler.." I trailed off as I began to fall.

"Come one Lex, stay with me. We're gonna go to the car. Come on." Tyler said in a low voice as he began "walking" me out of the room and into the hallway.

I tried to walk with him but when I did, the world began to slip into blackness. He just picked me up and began carrying me bridal style, "Come on. Don't leave me right now. Stay with me. Keep talking to me." He said as we walked.

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