One: Everything's Just Fine

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Summer was almost ready to meet its end, the daylight warmed the city for much little less time and sunsets came over too early in the afternoon.

The grey clumpy clouds hinted the beginning of fall, along with an insecure wind that, with its cold breath, prepared the territory for what was about to come.

I sat on the balcony, letting my legs fall free and dangle in the air.
I took a deep breath in and crossed my arms around my bare shoulders.
I sat there, enjoying the very last summer night of September, staring at the stars and looking for the moon.

Shivering, I tilted my head hearing my flip phone buzz, I reached down to my right and brought the small device up to my face.
My best friend Lena had sent me a message.

Girl !!! I went to see the classes 2day

R we together ??

Yep x) but there's a small problem

Omg what is it ?

Ur middle school bully joined our skl this yr

Don't tell me he's in our class

Well ...

Oh fucking hell
Y did he even joinnn leave me aloneee

Well he's your brother's friend so maybe bc of tht ?

Gosh don't even mention tht, thts even worse

Girl me and Alexia will hlp u

Ugh thx. Gtg now. Mom's calling 4 dinner.

Baiiii ! I <3 u see u tmrw !

Bye Lena i heart u 2 <3

I groaned loudly and rubbed my face in frustration, mom called again.
"Coming!" I yelled as I stood up, my legs quivering and my lower back aching.
I closed the door and screamed internally.

That guy, Michael was an awful person all three years of middle school.
Him and his idiotic company did anything in their power to make others feel small and insecure, I was one of their main targets, probably because my brother would spread lies about me and make them hate me.

In class, they would throw papers at me, they all were the same words 'slut, bitch, dumbass, ugly ass', I would pick them up and bring them back home to add them to my collection.

At lunch break I had to hide in the bathroom or they would find me and spit in my food, drop it, steal it, eat it, really anything they could do to it, in public at least.

Michael once tried to push me down the stairs, I wanted him to get in trouble so I tripped on purpose, falling down and hitting my head in various places.
He was surprised, to say the least, and fled the scene instantly, luckily the janitor saw that and reported him to the principal, which ended in him getting suspended for a week.

Michael and my brother would follow me home, well they didn't really have a choice since they all lived next to each other, but still.
They would steal my backpack and run away, but I was always too tired to go after them, so I just waited until I got home so Jaxon would give it back.

He had changed schools for two years, the BEST two years of my life, since the group kinda fell apart.
But now he was coming back and I knew he'd get the gang together again.
Like a never ending and terrifying nightmare that haunted me and waited until my guard was down to hit harder than ever.

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