Thirteen: Are You Thinking?

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"That's weird." Jaxon scrunched his face almost disgusted.
"That's what I'm saying." I answered sarcastically and Michael pretended to be hurt.
"It didn't look like you weren't enjoying your time with me." He turned to face me with a grudge and I just rolled my eyes in response.
My brother, in the meanwhile, looked puzzled, like he was trying to calculate '97+93' without using his calculator.
"Are... You okay?" I asked, he quickly started moving his head around as if he was shocked and then replied to me.
"Yes, I was trying to remember your friend's name."

I furrowed my eyebrows, clueless of what he was thinking about and why it was my friend.
"Ooh someone has a crush." Michael spoke besides me.
"I do not!" He jumped up from his seat yelling.
"Damn, calm down it's not like he accused you of murder." I laughed along with Mike.
My brother quickly realized how weird he was acting and sat down again, clearing his throat.

"Anyways, why did you leave so soon this morning?" He asked me while looking around.
"I woke up two hours earlier, so... You know I got bored."
"Well, you should've seen dad, he was so scared you were at Michael's." He snickered to himself.
"What? Why? Am I a bad influence?" Mike asked, my brother turned his head to him with a serious look and maintained eye contact for a few seconds.
Soon the confused one realized and gasped audibly, I shook my head while chuckling under my breath.
"Yeah... So are you guys gonna leave me alone today?" I referred to the other bus rides where they wouldn't stop bothering me.
"Eh sure, it was getting boring anyways." Jax shrugged, his gaze shifting somewhere else and getting lost again.

"I- thanks?" I replied, grateful that I finally found peace but confused on what he meant by 'boring', however as long as they let me live I didn't care if they found me boring.
My brother was about to say something else until the bus came along and I jumped on, happily shuffling to my seat.

As always, I sat down, pulled my mp3 player out, put my headphones in and started listening to my songs.
Today I felt more tired than other days and now I knew I could fall asleep with no problem, so I leaned my head against the big glass window and yawned before shutting my eyelids to rest.

Boy, was I wrong to think they would leave me alone.
The first thing that happened once I let my muscles relax, was Michael pulling out my earphones again.
I sobbed in frustration and turned to him with a pouty face.
"What do you want?" I dragged my words on for longer to make him aware that I was very upset.
"Can I listen with you?" He mumbled under his breath, since Jaxon had also fallen asleep besides him.
"Couldn't you just tap on my shoulder?" I sighed "but sure, just don't wake me up again."
"Sorry and thank you." He smiled widely putting the earbud in and letting me go back to sleep.

Michael's POV

So, I was the only one awake in the group of three and the ride was annoying me, the silence on one ear was the worst of all.
I tried shaking Jaxon awake, but it didn't work because he was sleeping like a rock.
'I know she said not to wake her up, but...' I thought to myself as I switched my attention to the sister, hesitantly I pushed her shoulder until she opened her eyes.

"What is it now?" She groaned.
"I'm bored." I complained and she shook her head.
"Yeah? And I'm tired." She responded with a sleepy voice.
"Well you should've went to sleep earlier." I dropped my shoulders and laughed, in response she squinted her eyes at me then raised them.
"Is it my fault you stayed at my house until midnight?" She reminded me.
"Oh don't lie, I know you always go to sleep at that time." At this point she didn't look fatigued anymore.

"How do you know that?" She distanced herself a bit from me and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Well I can see the light turn off in your bedroom." I sounded like an absolute creep, but it's not like I was watching her directly, my view just slipped to her room sometimes.
"Stop spying on me, that's weird." She grinned playfully as her voice gradually got a bit louder.
I chuckled shortly and justified myself afterwards "I'm not spying, it's your room that's too close to mine."
"Oh, my room, who lived here first?" She crossed her arms.
"Right, you." I continued.

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