Six: I Love, You Hate

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I sat at the same seat of yesterday with no problems this time.
Although I could hear the two jerks taking shit about me, I didn't care because I knew it was all an act.
Jaxon's true nature wasn't like that either, I knew a part of him was telling him what he was doing was wrong but he didn't listen.

I looked out of the window watching the sun rise up, my music loudly blasting in my ears.
I felt my eyelids weaken but I couldn't give in and just sleep, after all I was still next to my brother and Michael and who knows what their silly minds could tell them as I was peacefully resting.

The urge to just give up was too strong, so strong that to keep me awake I had to start beating my head on the seat that was located in front of me.
"Don't sleep, you can't." I kept whispering to myself.
I noticed the boys glancing at me and I snapped back into a normal position, coughing awkwardly.
From the corner of my eyes I could make out their silhouettes laughing at me quietly, did I care? absolutely not.

I wasn't too sure on why I was so tired that day, maybe not having breakfast had something to do with it, or the long nap I took the day before, who knows; all I knew is that I couldn't let my need for more energies take over my body.

I was running out of ways to keep myself conscious, but luckily the ride was almost over and shortly I could've had my morning coffee.
Suddenly the guys stood up, I paused my music and turned to them.
"Jaxon, where do you think you're going?" I crossed my arms.
"What? Weren't you sleeping?" He asked.
"No, where are you going?" I insisted.
He sat back down and tugged at Michael's shirt to make him sit down.
"Just like I thought." I relaxed on my seat again and looked at them for some more time before putting on my music.

I mean, did he think I was stupid? Even if I was asleep, when I woke up and saw they weren't there I would've had to call them and find out they were skipping.
I knew this guy was up to no good with his new friend, well not new but still.
Plus why did he want to skip already? It's only the second day, we have no tests, no homework, no stress, what was his problem? Was he also getting bullied?
I shook my head and concentrated on watching where we were.

We almost arrived at school and the two boys got up again, I followed after them as they called out for a stop.
"Why were you already skipping?" I said, putting my mp3 player in my pocket.
"I was too lazy to go, okay? Now shut up." Jaxon angrily said.
I turned to Michael, he had a confused expression and I could tell Jax was lying from his body language; looking around, moving his leg continuously.
"Whatever, next time tell me, I won't tell mom but I need to know where you are, in case you get in danger." I recommended to him.
"God, I'm not ten (y/n), I can take care of myself." He growled.
"I know, but it's just precautions." I got out of the bus leaving the other behind.

"She's embarrassing!" I heard him groan behind me.
"She just wants you to be safe, I do that too with Evan, you know." His friend explained.
I forgot he had a little brother and a little sister, they were the complete opposite of Michael.
They were both so sweet, generous and overall better, I didn't understand how they could be siblings.
Well actually Elizabeth was pretty bossy, but only with kids her age, or at least, she was when I last saw her.
Evan was actually really quiet and shy, I remember Michael mistreating him, too, to the point where I could hear the little guy sobbing in his room at night, since we lived in front of eachother.

While I was absorbed in my thoughts I let my legs guide me to the school and in a short amount of time I was already there at the entrance.
I looked around to see where my friends were, then my phone started ringing again.
"(Y/n)! You won't believe who joined school!" Alexia said.
"Oh my god, don't tell me! Is it Lilith?" I exclaimed.
"You bet your ass it is!" I heard her voice speak loudly.
"Where are you guys? I wanna see Lilith!" I started looking around.
"We're coming to the entrance, don't move!" Alexia hung up on me and I remained in shock for a quick second, before closing the screen and letting it in my pocket again.

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