Fifteen: Everlong

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I sat on my porch at the entrance of my house, the skies flashed and rumbled as rain kept falling more viciously as seconds passed by.
I had been out in the storm for about three hours, no one was home and I forgot my keys in my bedroom.
If I wanted to, I could've broken in by breaking one of the windows, but the consequences I'd have to go through were definitely not worth it; after all I'd rather have a cold and wet clothes rather than my parents rightfully ground me for breaking a part of the house.

I was still listening to music, my favorite part of a Radiohead song was about to start playing when, not so surprisingly, my mp3 player ran out of battery and stopped playing the song.
I huffed and harshly ripped the small round plugs out my ears and placed them in my pocket.
At least, I liked the scenery in front of me, sure it might've beeb better to see it from inside with a warm cup of tea or coffee and while sketching something, but this wasn't the case so whatever.

I heard a familiar voice curse in the distance and footsteps approaching, I looked up and around to see someone run in my direction.
I squinted my eyes and was able to see Michael's figure trying to cover himself from the rain with his empty backpack.

"Mike!" I called out and waved as my expression brightened up.
The person stopped running and looked at me, he then began running again, this time directly in front of me.
"(Y/n) are you crazy? What are you doing out in a storm?" He asked concerned.
"Uh first of all a 'hello' would be nice, anyways I'm locked out my house." I responded pointing to the door behind me.
"Oh... Well you can stay at mine until your parents come back if you need." He offered, for whatever reason he wasn't as cheerful or teasing as he usually was but maybe he was just tired so I just shook it off.

"Nah, I'm gonna be fine, I want to watch the storm." I smiled expecting him to smile back but he still didn't give a reaction.
"You can see it just fine from my window, get up." He grabbed my arm and pulled me upwards, beginning to bring me to his house.
"Fine, you're so boring." I said half jokingly
"Sorry I worry about your well-being." The brunette said in all seriousness.

At that point I was starting to wonder what might've happened since I went away to make him that upset.
He finally let go of my arm to open his front door and let me enter first.
I thanked him and waited for him to tell me where to put my shoes and jacket but he never did so I just awkwardly stood in the hallway.
"How long have you been out there?" He questioned, he must've really been worried but I didn't see an issue in what I did.
"I don't know, like three hours." My voice lowered and I shrugged.

"Three hours?!" Michael repeated in shock.
"Jesus Michael, I'm still alive ya see?"
"Barely!" I couldn't even tell whether he was joking or not.
"Come on let's go back outside, I'll show you why I love storms so much." I offered with a big happy grin spread all across my face.
"No way, you're gonna be sick, I don't want you to be sick." He grabbed my wrist trying to pull me away from the door but I resisted.
"Oh come on medicines exist for a reason! Please let's go out for a little while." I pleaded and tried my best shot at doing puppy eyes.

Mike finally laughed and gave in, he let go of my wrist and opened the wooden door again.
"Alright, no longer than ten minutes though."
This time around I took his hand and pulled him outside chuckling, with me he too started giggling again.
"Oh wait, I wanna make you listen to this song."
"Ooh Michael Afton has his mp3 on full batter for once?" I joked as he indeed took the small electronic and gave me an earbud while rolling his eyes in annoyance.

For some reason we started dancing to the tune of this song, Everlong.
To be fair, he started twirling me around, I guess this song really made him feel better and it made me feel even better.
We were all smiles, laughs and sometime tripped over the small wet rocks on the ground.

From time to time the brown haired guy in front of me would whisper some words from that song making me grin wider and wider.
His voice was so sweet and soft, unexpected for sure.

I was enjoying my time as the song went quieter, Michael stopped moving for a second and looked me in the eyes, I did the same.
The tension I could feel in that moment was undescribable.
His bright blue irises staring into mine, his hands in mine, and the distance between us two was so minimal it sent my heart into oblivion.

I could feel both our heart beats going faster and faster, his smile softening up with mine, it's like we were being held together by an invisible connection, like we became one with the other.

The guitar started picking up speed once more and as it played just like in the beginning, Michael broke the space in between our lips, my eyes widened and I felt as if my heart flat lined.
I was kissing my childhood bully and I liked it, I liked him.
I loved him.

I closed my eyelids and let myself be carried away for a brief moment, the guy placed his hand on my left cheek and kept his other one holding mine.
What was happening felt like hours, an eternity even, and the best of it, too.

But all good things must come to an end.
"Ewww!" We broke the kiss to see Michael's little sister at the entrance.
"Mom! Michael is-"
"Elizabeth!" Michael yelled back at the blondie.
I laughed, unsure whether it was out of embarrassment or pure entertainment.
"He's kissing a girl!" The little one yelled again and ran off inside.

Her brother turned to me like before, his cheeks were completely red.
"I- I'm sorry for Elizabeth, that was quite embarrassing." He scratched the back of his head and I leaned in to kiss his cheek.
"It was actually quite funny." I smiled at him and he did the same.
"Now we should really head back inside though" Mike obviously kept his word and brought me to the entrance.
"Wait so Mike does this mean that we're... Like, a couple?" I genuinely asked.
"Ah, if you want that, yes." He went even redder and closed the door behind him.
"Obviously I want that!" I exclaimed and smiled at him.

Michael unexpectedly gave me another quick kiss.
"Glad we share the same thoughts then." He smirked, and again got interrupted.
"Oh so, I assume you made up, then?"
His mother spoke from behind us, a kind smile on her face with a hind of pride and love.
"Yeah so... Meet my girlfriend (y/n), mom." Michael stuttered slightly as he pointed towards me.

After a small introduction my now boyfriend gave me some of his clothes so that I could've changed and not catch any illnesses.
I ended up staying over at the Afton's for dinner, to introduce myself better.

It all felt so unreal, I was dating the person I swore I hated more than anything, and the worst thing is that he made me feel better than any other partners I've ever had.
My brain told me it was wrong to date him and that I should've gotten revenge instead, meanwhile my heart told me he was the one I was destined to be with.
Now which of them was right? Only time could tell, but for the moment it didn't matter if it was fake, it felt all too good.

Author's note
Much shorter chapter tonight because I'm super super tired, also this is so cliché ew

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