Seventeen: Everything Ends

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From the very first second I stepped foot in school, I could feel every nerve in my body tense up, it was much worse than earlier because I knew now that every minute that passed could have an unpleasant surprise coming for me.
I walked to my locker, clenching Michael's hand slightly tighter each second that passed.
After reaching my locker, I realized it looked like it had been messed with, as if someone had tried to open it, or break the lock.
This left me perplexed but I had more serious problems passing through my mind at that moment so I didn't give it that much attention.

When I went to open the little door I accidentally dropped one of my notebooks, my boyfriend picked it up for me but before handing it back he stopped to stare at the back of it, I didn't question him and just took my belonging from him once he handed it over.
He started angrily looking around and then turned to me with the same intimidating look.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, grab my stuff for me, the code is 0983" He said all that so quickly and left even quicker, I didn't even have enough time to fully process what he said.

I did as he asked either way and headed towards my classroom with a big pile of books in my hands.
"Need a hand over there?" A cheerful voice said behind me, it was Jeremy.
"Yes please!" I replied as he took half of the burden off my hands "Michael asked me to get his books for him because he had to go to the bathroom." I explained, but the blonde guy seemed to be confused.
"But... I just saw him going towards the back courtyard...?"

I stopped for a second, why was he going there? And why would he lie to me?
"He looked pretty pissed off, too." The friend kept talking as I began walking again, confused and silent.
My mind started to wander and I gripped the books in my hands harder and harder.
'what if he's cheating on me? It'd be expected, maybe he's just dating me as an inside joke between him and his friends. Maybe he lost a bet... But then why would he be mad? I'm so confused.'

"Ugh... Whatever." I whispered, only then noticing I was in front of my desk already, I let down all my things with a loud thud and sat down on my chair.
"Uhh you okay, (y/n)?" Alexia asked me, turning to face me.
"Yeah, just confused, but nothing to worry about." I shook my head and tried to brighten up a little.
"Are you sure?." My friend insisted on wanting to hear what happened.
"Yeah. Really, nothing life changing, dude." I reassured her and started tidying my table, it was then that everything came clear to me.

There was a note at the back of one of my notebooks, it was held up in four points by some tape.
The small note read "Back courtyard, before the lessons start, it's over for you, bitch. xoxo L."
My jaw dropped, Lilith broke into my locker to leave the note but Michael saw it before me.
"Uh oh." Was all I could spit out before running out the classroom, my friends also behind me as they kept asking what had happened.
I was too focused on Michael's safety to answer, I started speeding through the hallway, bumping into some kids sometimes but not caring at all.

Michael's POV

Because this whole 'Lilith situation' was really starting to test my patience, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
When I read the note I couldn't stop my blood from boiling, of course I wasn't going to hurt anyone, unless they hurt me first, but one way or another I was going to teach that brat a lesson.
Just as expected, there she was, arms crossed and leaning against a wall.
I took a deep breath to bury some of my anger deep down inside.

When Lilith saw me walking towards her she seemed like she had seen a ghost; her eyes, which were originally narrowed and staring downwards, had suddenly widened to the maximum they could.
Her arms dropped to her side and her posture straightened with them.
I stopped just in front of her, this time I crossed my arms and looked down at her.

"I can't help but notice you seem to have a problem with my girlfriend." I say.
"So let's make one thing clear, I will never be yours and you were never in my thoughts once, so get me out of yours.
If you ever think of pulling something like this ever again be sure to be protected because I will not let you off as easily as I am right now. Now, you wouldn't want that, and frankly, neither would I.""

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