Fourteen: Custer

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We were at the store, I was talking more with this Matt guy, he was really fun.
He seemed like the only one who had a brain in there.

"You're telling me... You got an A on your math test without studying? How?!" I exclaimed while grabbing an energy drink fron the fridge.
"I told you, I'm naturally good at math." He laughed nervously as he did the same as me.
"Man, I'm so jealous of you right now." I jokingly admitted, although I was a bit jealous after all.
"Hey, maybe I can help you out sometime." He offered as we started walking around with the group.
"Oh I'd love th-"
"So what do you guys want to eat?" Michael cut me off, loudly speaking over my voice.

"We can get something at McDonald's." I offered.
"So what exactly did we come here for?" Jeremy asked, I turned around to see where my brother was and pointed at him.
"Because this asshole wanted to buy his stupid protein bar." I answered, Jaxon gave me an angered look.
"Watch your mouth, this shit actually works you know?" He hissed, I rolled my eyes and huffed.
"Whatever you say." I mumbled and stopped to think for a second while looking at the can in my hand
"Hm, wait, I'm gonna go put this down then, or I won't have enough money for lunch."

Michael yanked the drink out of my hands leaving me speechless.
"I'll pay for it." He offered, obviously I accepted a bit hesitantly but still.
"Woah, sure, uh... Thanks, Mike." I stuttered out, still confused by his fast gesture of earlier.
Of course as I looked around me I could see Lilith tightening the grip around her own drink while throwing me very rough and hateful glances.
I breathed in and instantly looked away from her, not wanting to anger her any longer.
I mean, if she really liked Michael that much she should've told me earlier, maybe she could've had a chance.

Anyway, we went to the check out and paid for our stuff, Lilith seemed to have calmed down and the atmosphere was much more pleasant now.
We headed out of the shop and started walking towards the nearest McDonald's.
"My legs hurt." Alexia complained, looking at Lena with her best puppy eyes.
"Nope, don't even, I won't carry you." The other said, almost as she was reading her mind.
"Come on, please!" She whined, grabbing her arm.
"Look we're almost there, okay? Let her go." Jeremy smiled while pointing at the restaurant only some steps away.

The girl then straightened her position and began walking again as if nothing had happened.
We proceeded to head in the restaurant and everyone started looking at the menu, deciding which option was going to be the best lunch.

It took a while for everyone to pick out their menu but once we were done we ordered and our food was ready in such a little amount of time we were all quite surprised.
The group sat down on a table big enough for all of us, I was sat facing Michael, of course.
They all started unwrapping various parts of their meals, Lilith started with her chicken nuggets, Lena started with her fries and so on.

We basically didn't talk while eating, I suppose we were all really hungry and focused on our food instead.
I heard a chuckle from in front of me and raised my head to see Mike trying not to spit out his soda in my face.

"What?" I shook my head in confusion as he stared at me.
"You got ketchup on your cheeks, you look like Jeff the killer or something." He pointed his index finger at the sides of my mouth, making everyone else also look at me.
I reached to my left for my napkins and realized I had already used all of them, lovely.

"Let me do this for ya." The guy in front of me said while picking up a small piece of paper and softly placing it on my face, rubbing away the stains of my lunch.
We made eye contact for a long while, he looked at me with the sweetest eyes ever, so big and full of love, I felt myself blush a bit.
He then broke the moment by looking down to throw away the napkin, I also moved my eyes elsewhere.

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